Chapter 4: Weekend

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Yuri's pov

Yuri didn't know what time to meet up with MC, but she decided to leave her house at 10. He had written his address on a piece of paper luckily so she knew where to go at least. MC's house was only a few blocks away from her own house and lived in a good neighborhood.

 The weather was nice so she decided to walk to his house instead of driving. Yuri walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Minutes passed without an answer to the door causing her to worry that he wasn't home.

"Hey Yuri, sorry for keeping you waiting I was just at Sayori's" MC said walking up the driveway. "N-no it is fine I haven't been here for long" Yuri said turning to him "Does Sayori live around here?" Yuri didn't know where any of her club members lived until recently.

 "Yep, she was supposed to help Monika today, but she said she was feeling down" MC walked up and unlocked the door "She lives there" he pointed. "Well, m-maybe we should invite her to join us" Yuri wondered if MC didn't know about her depression. Distracting Sayori could possibly make her feel better. MC opened the door.

"Nah, I think she is feeling better now" MC tossed his keys to the shelf near the door "I told her I know what's best for her to comfort her" MC turned to face Yuri but she was already walking over to Sayori's house. 

Since she didn't know what MC said was a good or bad thing to say, she pretended not to hear. Yuri wasn't really good in social situations, so she had no right to judge him about it. She did know that saying it most likely didn't cheer her up though. 

Sayori answered after Yuri knocked, less bright and bubbly before seeing who was at the door and changing her expression. "Hey Yuri, what's up?" Sayori said with a fake smile. "Sayori... I know you're sad. MC already told me" Yuri struggled not to stutter while talking with Sayori, but recently she had been getting better with Sayori's help.

 "I thought you could help us with decorations to keep your mind busy" Yuri noticed that MC didn't walk over to Sayori's with her. "But just so you know, MC thinks you feel better" It was up to Sayori, but having her there would make it more comfortable for Yuri. "Sure! I'll join you, sounds like fun!" Sayori bounced up and down, knowing that MC was watching the interaction from his door.

"Well, you convinced her to join us. Good job" MC huffed "Just head to my room while I grab all the supplies from my basement" Yuri and Sayori walked into the room and looked around. It was vary bland with a bed, a bookshelf full of manga, and a desk. 

"So, because I don't have to wait until Monday, show me your wrists" Sayori said looking to Yuri's arms. Yuri was hoping she had forgotten to ask, every Monday she would ask to see if she was cutting and not calling her instead. Sayori did try to help her through the urge to cut, even if she was unsuccessful most of the time. "Um.. well y-you know, I would but I don't want MC to walk in and see." Yuri knew Sayori would be disappointed, and it didn't help that she had cut herself more than once this week.

"It's fine he will take awhile" Sayori walked over to Yuri and started rolling her sleeves up. "Oh Yuri... Why didn't you call me?" Sayori looked up with sad eyes. "Well um my phone broke. Otherwise I would have called you" Yuri stated in a sad tone rolling her sleeves down. 

They stood there in silence for a minute before MC walked in and set the supplies down. "Ok we can start now, Yuri you have nice handwriting so you should write 'welcome to the literature club' on it. Me and Sayori are going to set everything out" while Yuri started writing MC and Sayori set out the paint, the brushes and some glitter. "oooh glitter what's it for MC" Sayori asked as she shook the glitter. "Its for the letters. I thought it would be a nice touch to the banner." MC explained

After Yuri was done writing the letters, they started painting the night-day cycle on each side of the banner. At one point Yuri and Sayori both got pint on their face, neck and clothes in Sayori's case. " I'll get you both a washcloth" MC said as he got up. "Ok thanks" Sayori chirped. The girls sat in silence looking over the banner they finished. The only thing left was to glue the glitter to the letters. 

"Here Yuri" MC tossed the rag to Yuri before crouching to wipe Sayori's face. She protested against him, but eventually gave up. Yuri watched Sayori pout as she cleaned her own face. They looked like brother and sister to Yuri, and they seemed to take care of each other. Yuri longed for someone to need her like they needed each other. "Well... that's mostly it if you guys want to head home.I'll just put the glitter on tomorrow" MC stretched as he got up.

"Thanks see you Monday!" Sayori bounced out the door. Yuri walked Sayori over to her house and said goodbye before heading over to her own house. She made dinner and read in her room for the rest of the day.


She stepped onto the chair nauseous felling, as if the earth was pulling her down with ad much force as possible. She felt as if she were to puke at any second. Right in front of her was a misshapen rope, knotted in a way that she could fit her head through. 

She didn't know how to tie a noose, nor was she going to look it up and risk her parents noticing.  This was the best she could get. her room didn't have anywhere the could tie the rope, so she was doing it in the room farthest from her parents. 

Knowing that someone would have to dispose of her body was the only thing stopping her until now. Medication didn't help, therapy didn't help, but this would help. It would tremendously help, she knew that it would. As she gained more confidence, she inched closer to the edge of the chair. 

It wouldn't be quick, but slow because it had no way of snapping her neck. "You deserve a slow death" was on repeat in her mind. She tugged on the rope to see if it was secure so she wouldn't fall. Looking around her was like looking through a pillow. There were no windows and the lights outside were off.  She pulled the rope over her head with struggle. Just loose enough to fit over her head, just tight enough to not slip off.

She was shaking at this point, her nerves on high alert. It didn't help that she hadn't eaten in two days. Her heals were the only thing on the chair now, just enough to keep her balanced. Her mind was clouded with insults to herself, but one voice rang out to her and only got louder.



Happy late 5th anniversary to DDLC Doki's! :)

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