New woman

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When I left Gringotts a few hours later, I felt like a brand new woman. I was free of all spells and blocks, and I couldn't help but feel as if my life was finally beginning.

The ritual was painful as I was told, but I had spent many years experiencing untold pain that it wasn't all that different compared to what I was used to. I could tell the goblins were shocked and concerned as not one single sound escaped my lips throughout, where I'm sure others would have been screaming bloody murder.

After giving me potions to ease the aching, I was instructed to look into the mirror and what I found was rather surprising. The remaining baby fat that I was unable to shake off, was gone and my soft jawline was now more defined, along with my high cheekbones. My lips were more plumped and my green eyes glowed the colour of the AK curse. My hair lost its wild look and now sat in tameable brown waves. My body, which had started building up its healthy amount of meat from the war has changed into a more curvy and seductive figure. My breasts, which were frustratingly never that developed, were now a D cup and my arse was rounder and more noticeable. Overall, I couldn't complain and for the first time, I felt confident and loved the way I looked.

I collected my Ladyship rings and made the goblins renew all the keys used for my vaults after finding out that my so-called best friend had spent many years using my money without my permission. I felt betrayed and downright furious but there was a part of me, deep down that wasn't all too surprised by it. Mrs Weasley had been given a key to my trust vault by Dumbledore, and she, along with Ron, Hermione and Ginny was being paid each month. I was frustrated with myself for not noticing, but I made sure that all the money that was stolen, was given back with interest, along with any artefacts that were taken.

After receiving a list of properties I owned, I returned to Grimmauld place where I found Kreature pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"Little one?" I called out in concern, making the elf stop abruptly and turn. He let out a gasp as he looked me up and down.

"Mistress looks beautiful. Kreature feels your power, very dark and beautiful" a large smile formed on my face as I watched Kreature fall into pure awe at the dark magic pouring off of me. After a few moments, I let out a giggle and pull my magic back, making the elf look at me with what I could assume was his version of a pout.

"Thank you Kreature. Could you cook me some lunch please whilst I decided where my first stop will be once we leave"

"L-Leave? Mistress Leave Kreature? Kreature be a bad elf?" The elf sobbed, sinking to his knees in front of me. My eyes widen before kneeling, placing my hands on his shaking shoulders.

"Kreature, I would never leave you. You will be coming with me" His head snapped up with wide teary eyes, full of hope and admiration.

"K-Kreature leaving with Mistress?" I nodded my head reassuringly, a soft smile on my face.

"I'll go make kind mistress food," He said excitedly before popping away. I let out a chuckle and made my way into the library with the list.

There were many manors in England, Scotland, Ireland and America. I put aside the villas and Hotels in the more hot countries and focus on the ones in America. The list shows Black manor in La, Potter manor in Mystic Falls, Virginia, Potter manor in New York and Black manor in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Peverell, Gryffindor and Slytherin properties were mostly closer to home, except for the holiday villas and hotels.

"Kreature?" I called out and within a second, the elf was standing in front of me.

"Mistress Raven called Kreature?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you ever went to the Black manor in New Orleans?" I asked curiously.

"Only once, Mistress Raven. Kreature stays in Grimmauld place most of the time" I nod my head in understanding and without another word, he bowed and disappeared.

I had always wanted to go to New Orleans, Oliver Wood had taken a vacation there one summer and he was in complete awe by it. He ventured into the muggle area but had said that supernatural beings were wandering around, he had a feeling that vampires ruled the area but I'm not entirely sure how true it is. I have no grudge against werewolves or vampires, even though some helped Voldemort, doesn't mean that all of them are bad.

"New Orleans it is" I sighed with a smile on my face, looking forward to starting my life elsewhere.

- sorry for the short chapter. I'm on vacation right now but I'm trying to find the time to update.

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