The White Wyvern and reunion.

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When the group left Gringotts and laid eyes on Diagon Alley for the first time, they couldn't understand how anyone would want to leave such a place. They could feel the magic in the air, it was so intense that it made the hairs on the back of their necks stand upright. Bonnie felt frozen in place at the bottom of the bank's steps, all she could do was look around and much to her displeasure, she felt incredibly jealous that people were able to experience such beauty daily. It felt as though she had found another place she could finally be herself, the real Bonnie Bennet and it felt much more personal to know her parental figures were from there too.

"Little witch?" Bonnie snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at her father figure, who was watching her with eyes filled with worry.

"I-I've never felt as though I belonged, especially when I first found out I was a witch because it was just me and grams, and yet, here is a place where everyone is the same and isn't afraid to be themselves. It's... Beautiful" Her eyes welled up with tears and she was immediately brought into her father's loving embrace. She didn't realise that her mother had appeared beside her until she felt the witch grab her hands.

"Sweetheart, the magical world is a beautiful but dangerous place. Do not forget that there have been wars and still hold a lot of prejudice. If you would like, we can bring you here every weekend and once you graduate from school, we can think about returning but it's a decision that needs to be made between all of us" with a content sigh and a smile, she allowed her parental figures to guide her towards the group, who was standing to the side as they admired the magical town.

"First, we should get some lunch and then we'll explore," Raven said hurryingly, noticing a lot of eyes turning in her direction and excited whispers about the 'girl who lived' returning to the wizarding world after years of being away.

"The leaky cauldron or The white Wyvern in knockturn Alley?" George asked his mate as they manoeuvred between the crowd of excited children and their families. Raven knew Knockturn Alley was well-known for those who study the dark arts to reside and maybe when she was younger she would have stayed away, however, becoming friends with a few Slytherins means you'll do things you won't usually do. Draco had introduced her to the white Wyvern in their 6th year and at first, she was cautious but it became one of her favourite places to go, especially when everyone and everything was getting too much for her and all she wanted was time alone.

"The white Wyvern, most definitely" Bright and excited smiles appear on the twin's faces and the group followed with a hint of confusion, though it was soon pushed to the back of their minds as they admired every shop and its content from a distance. Raven and the twins answered every little question that was asked and promised that they could go into them once they finished their lunch.

"Stay close" Fred warned as they stepped foot into the dark and filthy alley. The group were on edge but knew they could protect themselves in an instant if need be, especially with three people who belonged to this world. The journey wasn't long but once they appeared at the White Wyvern, they were extremely relieved, especially Bonnie and Caroline who had received many lustful and creepy looks from older wizards, of course, with a single glare and a spike of magic from Raven, that backed away in fear.

"Come on" Raven nodded towards the pub and pushed the door open, loud noise swarming out of it in waves.

The white Wyvern was a large but dark establishment with a few candles dangling from the ceiling as the only light source. The bar was a beautiful black oak with a few seats available on the sides, allowing a large section at the front of it to be accessible to those who were ordering. On the outer parts of the room were booths for large groups of people whilst everywhere else had tables for groups of four or fewer. On the left side of the room was an area for days that were filled with dancing and music, which so happens to be the time the group decided to visit.

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