Chapter 32: Awoken-man

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"Make this end-man."
Smart-man plead.
"Just make all this end-man."

Smart-man finally stated his dearest wish.

"You can do-man it, can't you?"
Smart-man's eyes glimmered in the light of hope.

Of course.
If a narrator willed it, it could change their respective worlds.

Usually a narrator is unable to do so. The truth itself won't permit any meddling with the way things are supposed to go.

Smart-man glanced at the newly awoken narrator who was acting as if in a trance, staring into the distance.

Then he looked back at the formless cloud of blueish particles.

"You are different-man though, aren't you?"


I suggest a bargain.

Join the university.
Learn things about the world of men you never even dreamt could be possible, then once you awaken, take place by my side as my narrator.

Become the god of the new world.
Your world.

After you partake in this journey, only then will it end.
By your hand.

The man slowly walked in a circle round and round, not noticing that time was of the essence.

Serenity's castle was crumbling.

Smart-man perked up due to the narrator's words.

"What.. do you mean-man?"
Smart-man asked with a shaky voice.

His thoughts wandered.

After thinking so hard that his face turned red, his tense body grew limp and his arms dangled in front of his arched body. His eyes lost their shimmer.

He decided the path to salvation would be to become the narrator of his world.

A god.


Basic-man collapsed to the ground, desperately trying to keep his organs inside his body.

He muttered as his blood soaked hands moved about.

With her eyes and mouth agape, the boss monster Serenity watched in horror as she saw a familiar face.

She had lost. This was the worst possible outcome.

"How could this have happened..."
She whimpered.

The headless monster crawled over the floor with all his might.
The wound that idiot-man had inflicted left its mark, and it sure was a big one.

After a few meters, he reached his boss.

With a tug on her robe, she snapped back to reality.

"Give... the order... your majesty... heheh.."
A giggle to lift the tension.

He would have smiled, had he still a head.

Serenity kneeled down to reach for his non-existent head and stroked his neck stump as one would stroke the back of a cat, gently.

"You can rest now...
you've done well... be with your family."

A tear escaped her watery eyes and hit him right in the stump.

"Thank you.."

His body immediately became limp and she laid him on to the floor.

As Serenity lifted herself from her kneeling position she breathed in as much air as she could.

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