Season Three- Cruel Summer

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Phone? Check.

Money? Check.

Flowers? Check.

Self-confidence? Dwindling...

Katherine took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She was currently standing in front of the Number Two Pro Hero: Endeavor's, house, holding a bouquet of white roses. Her tawny wings flittered with anxiety. Endeavor didn't like her very much—for many reasons—so she was hoping somebody else was home.

Thankfully, her wishes were granted when Fuyumi Todoroki opened the door and smiled at her. "Hey, Katherine! Here to pick up Shoto?"

"You know it," she chirped happily. "Is he ready?"

"Almost. I think he's putting his shoes on."

As if on cue, Shoto appeared behind his older sister. "Hey, Katherine."

"Hey!" As Fuyumi moved out of the way, Katherine held the flowers out to him. "I got these for you on my way. I was gonna see if I could find some half-and-half ones for you, but Loud Dad said that those were signs of death, so I decided these were better."

Shoto chuckled as he took the roses and ran a hand through his red-and-white hair. "Luckily, that doesn't apply to me."

"Here, Shoto, I can put those in a vase for you," Fuyumi said, taking the bouquet. "Have fun on your date, you guys!"

The two smiled and waved at her before heading to the car that was waiting for them in the driveway. "I hope you don't mind; EraserDad is dropping us off," Katherine mentioned.

"I'm fine with that," Shoto assured her. "As long as I get to spend time with you."

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Aw, you're so sweet."

"Please refrain from doing that in front of me. I'm not used to it."

Katherine's father, Shota Aizawa (a.k.a. Eraserhead), had rolled down the window of his car and was glaring at the two. She glared right back. "You can't dictate when I do or do not kiss my boyfriend, EraserDad."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa," Shoto interrupted. "We'll be more respectful."

He nodded and rolled his window back up while Katherine and Shoto got in the backseat. "What are you two going to be doing again?"

"We're just gonna walk around and window shop," Katherine told him. "We'll get a late lunch/early dinner, and I'll call you when we need you to pick us up."

"Or we could just get a taxi," Shoto added.

"No, it's fine. I'd probably be happier if I was the one who picked you up," Aizawa stated. "You want me to drop you off by the train station, right?"

"Please and thank you, Father Dearest," Katherine answered, smiling.

Within ten minutes, he had pulled up to the sidewalk leading to the train station. "Problem Child, remember, I want you to call me by seven tonight," he reminded Katherine as she got out of the car.

"Can you do eight?" she questioned. "Please?"

"Seven-thirty. No later."

"Fine. C'mon, Shoto."

"So, where should we go first?" Shoto inquired as Aizawa drove away.

"Let's head to that bookstore we passed on our patrols!" Katherine exclaimed. "It looked pretty cool, I wanna check it out!"

"Alright, let's go."

The two headed down the street in the July sunshine, laughing and chatting as they did. Katherine and Shoto had been dating for only about a month or two now, but it felt like it had been much longer for them. Ever since they started high school at U.A. Hero Academy, the two had crossed paths more than they thought they would, and although their friendship started rocky, it led to something neither wanted to miss out on.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now