Season Three- Well, That's Awfully Convenient.

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"Remedial group!" Aizawa shouted. "Why have you stopped moving?"

Katherine paused for a moment to eavesdrop, leaving Midoriya with an opening.

"Detroit Smash!"

She dodged just in time, narrowly avoiding the strike. "Too slow, Izuku!" she yelled.

It was the third day of training. Vlad King wanted Pixie-Bob to work with some of his students, so she had sent Katherine to spar with Midoriya, who had been training exclusively with Tiger. Tiger hoped this would allow the both of them to make more progress with their respective strength-enhancement quirks, which were the only powers he was allowing them to use in their matches.

Katherine was still trying to keep her power on and at an equal flow throughout her body, which meant she was a little slower than usual. She managed to land a punch on Midoriya, and he retaliated quickly. "Yeah! This is some good stuff, don't hold back!" Tiger shouted.

She smirked and geared up for another attack.

Alright, this is it! If I can grab Midoriya, I can throw him out of the ring and win this match! That means we'll have tied! I'll!

"Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya called out, jogging over to him.

Katherine, who had already begun to move, fell flat on her face.

Foiled again...

"Midoriya," Aizawa said sternly, "you're supposed to be sparring with Problem Child."

"Yeah, Midoriya," Katherine repeated as she pushed herself up.

"I know, but I was wondering...since it's the third day, some of the other teachers should be coming soon, right? Like All Might?"

Aizawa shot an annoyed look at his daughter before answering. "No. We all agreed that keeping the staff to a minimum on this trip would make it harder for the villains to find us."

"That's why you're lodging with us!" Ragdoll added, popping in behind him. "As for All Might, he's one of the League's biggest targets, so obviously we wouldn't want him here."

"Yeah, for better or for worse, he's a guy who stands out," Aizawa muttered. "Now go spar."

"I feel like with Mr. Aizawa, it's always worse," Midoriya whispered to Katherine as he walked back over.

She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't let it get to you. I'm sure we'll have tons of time to train with All Might once we get back to school."

Midoriya smiled back, then yelped as Katherine quickly threw him over her head and onto the ground. She pinned him down and blew her hair out of her face, grinning. "I win."

"Everyone!" she heard Ragdoll yell. "Listen up! Tonight, both of your classes will be going head-to-head in a test of courage! It's a reward for all your hard work so far!"

"Ooh, fun! What's gonna happen?" Katherine asked.

Midoriya coughed. "Katherine, could you please get off of me?"

"I'm not allowed to say anything else," Ragdoll said slyly. "Anyways, in the meantime, work your butts off!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Katherine got up and helped Midoriya stand. "Hey, have you talked to Kota lately?"

"Oh, um, yeah. When we were making dinner that first night, I brought him some curry...Mandalay told me about his parents."

"I remember seeing it in the news," Katherine mumbled. "It was awful. I think I'm getting through to him, though."

"You've talked to him?" Midoriya inquired.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now