Season Three- Therapy With a First-Grader

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Hardcore training began the next morning, just like Aizawa promised.

The class was working on strengthening their quirks, which meant pushing their powers past their limits. For example, Bakugo was shoving his hands into scalding hot water to open his sweat glands, then making the biggest explosions he could muster, and Tokoyami was working in a cave and trying to control Dark Shadow, who became much less manageable in the dark. Mandalay and Pixie-Bob had joined them, along with their two other teammates, Tiger and Ragdoll.

"C'mon, Katherine!" Pixie-Bob yelled. "You said you wanted to improve that strength-enhancement of yours, right?"

Katherine dodged Pixie-Bob's Earth Beast as it rushed towards her. She activated her strength-enhancement quirk and charged it. Combining her strength with a shield, she held her ground and sliced through the monster, dirt falling around her. "All right, that was pretty impressive!" Pixie-Bob congratulated. "Here, have another!"

She sighed and shook the dirt out of her wings, activating her energy quirk again.

Okay, the on-and-off is clearly an issue. This time, don't disable it.

She charged the next Earth Beast and destroyed it as well, concentrating on not letting the red sparks around her arms disappear after she finished it off. When two more Earth Beasts appeared, Pixie-Bob yelled, "This time, try that shield outburst thing! Don't max out your power, though!"

Katherine bit her lip and made a dome around herself, then expanded the red shields quickly and wiped out the beasts. When she opened her eyes, everything was dark. "Ugh!" She turned around. "Sorry, Pixie-Bob! It happened again."

"That's okay!" She felt Pixie-Bob's hand come down on her shoulder. "We'll just work on your fighting-blind skills until you've got your vision back."

"I was talking to a tree, wasn't I?"

"Uh, yeah. Don't sweat it!"

After training for the entire day, the two hero courses had to make dinner for themselves, and once they were finished eating, they were supposed to go back to their rooms. However, Katherine talked Aizawa and Vlad King, 1-B's homeroom teacher, into letting the students have a bonfire. As she and Kendo brought over marshmallows and graham crackers, they heard the rest of their classes talking. "This was a good idea, Katherine," Kendo mentioned, smiling at her. "How did you talk Mr. Aizawa into it?"

"I told him we needed at least a little recreation, or else we'd burn out halfway through the week," she said. "It's too bad the others have extra lessons; I wish they were here. Speaking of which, where is Monoma?"

Kendo smiled guiltily. "Oh, don't tell me...," Katherine groaned, beginning to laugh. "He failed too?"

"Yeah...he's a real hypocrite. I've tried getting him to leave you guys alone. I was so shocked when I heard what he said to you after...well..."

Katherine frowned. About a month ago, Monoma had claimed that it was her fault Class 1-A was being attacked by the League of Villains. She knew there was a smidge of truth to that, but she wished it hadn't come from him. "I'm over it, Kendo," she said finally. "It was a while ago. C'mon, let's get this stuff to our classmates."

As the two returned with the smore stuff, their classmates cheered. "Aw yeah! Thanks, guys!" Tetsutetsu yelled.

Katherine smiled as she sat down next to Shoto. "Marshmallow stick for you," she stated, passing the handful she was holding to him. "Pass 'em around."

As Shoto handed the stack to Jiro, he said, "Tetsutetsu was just telling us that something odd happened during their training today."

"Oh? What happened?" she asked, opening the bag of marshmallows.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now