Season Three- No Time To Die

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"Hey, crazy. Did you get the blood? How much?"

Katherine shivered. She hadn't heard Dabi's voice since she got attacked in Tokyo, and she was reminded all over again how much she hated it. All leathery like his skin...eugh.

"I got one person's!" Of course, the creepily cheerful voice belonged to one Himiko Toga, who had an obsession with blood and knives. Katherine loved weapons as much as the next person, but not that much.

"One?! Hey, what gives?" This person's voice was new. She hadn't heard him before, and she assumed the guy was a new member. "Weren't you supposed to get at least three vials?"

"Well, that's just the way it went down," she heard Toga reply.

"Aw! I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." There was one more person there, Katherine believed.

The two new recruits must be twins or something. They sound sort of alike, but their personalities are completely flipped.

She peeked around the rock she was hiding behind and spotted Aoyama behind a tree. He looked at her fearfully, covering his mouth with his hand. Katherine put on a fearless smile to reassure him, but on the inside, she was surprised no one had heard her bones rattling against each other, she was trembling so much.

"You're telling me those brats nearly got the best of you?" Dabi asked Toga. "You've gotta be kidding."

"Well, I'd only fought one Class A student before this, remember? And it wasn't all bad. I met this really cute boy!" Toga exclaimed.

"Ew, gross," one unidentified voice went.

"Ooh, tell me more!" the other said.

"He was on Shigaraki's kill list! Izuku Midoriya!"

Katherine grimaced.

Midoriya, wherever you are, I send my condolences.

"He might even take Katherine's place as my favorite! Of course, that'll only happen after I get him to spill some blood, then we'll see."

"Stop talking," Dabi muttered. "It's getting on my nerves."

"Boo," Toga pouted. "It's so boring waiting, though."

Katherine sighed and began to shift. She was getting restless, ready to pounce.

For once, Himiko, we agree on something.

She leaped out from behind the rock and tackled Toga to the ground. "Hey!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Katherine saw Dabi ignite his flames. She quickly maneuvered herself to have Toga in a chokehold and put a foot out, a shield dome covering them. As she did, she noticed there was only one other person with them.

Huh, weird. Sounded like two.

Dabi stood in front of her, flames still flickering from his hand. "Toga, I expected you to make sure you weren't followed," he sighed. "Now look at the mess you've created."

Toga tried to choke something out and Katherine tightened her grip. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep," she whispered desperately.

Out of nowhere, Shoji, Shoto, and a battered (and shirtless?) Midoriya came hurtling to the ground, landing on top of a well-dressed person wearing a mask that covered his entire face. Katherine and Dabi both turned as the ball of people began to unravel itself, and he sighed again. "I'm surrounded by idiots. Twice, help Toga, I'll take care of Compress."

Toga spluttered, her face slowly losing color. "Yeah, I'm sorry, but you stabbed me, like, eight times back in Tokyo," Katherine said. "This is much kinder; you'll just wake up with a head–"

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now