Season Four- I Didn't Choose the Momma Bird Life. It Chose Me.

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Luckily, Katherine would live to see the weekend, by which she and Jiro had completed the song they would be performing. Since today was a Saturday, everyone was practicing for their parts in the festival—the dance squad was outside learning their routine, the special effects squad was in Kirishima and Bakugo's dorm discussing their roles, and the band had claimed the common room space to learn the song.

"Okay, we're sounding better than I had expected," Jiro complimented. "Kaminari, you're a little flat on your C's, but that's an easy tuning fix. Yaomomo and Tokoyami, you guys sound good, just don't slack off on practicing. Bakugo, try not to be so loud. If you play over us, we'll lose our tempo. I want us to try and be off-book by tomorrow night. Right now..." She turned to Katherine with a smile. "I think we can start running it with vocals."

Katherine excitedly smiled back, her wings fluttering. Just then, Momo's phone chimed, and she peered over at it. "Oh, it's teatime! I should start running the kettle; the others will be in soon."

"Alright, we'll run it with vocals after we have tea," Jiro decided.

Kaminari stretched his arms and sighed. "Whew, this is a lot of hard work! I can't wait till we get to the finished product!"

"Tch. Won't matter if your shitty guitar skills don't improve," Bakugo muttered, lightly tapping his drumsticks on a cymbal.

Katherine opened her mouth to scold him but didn't get a chance before Kirishima walked in, beaming. "Hey, guess who I just saw?" he asked her.

"Someone we like, I hope."

"Eri's here! Togata brought her so she could get familiar with U.A.! Isn't that great? Midoriya's gonna walk around with them we've got a break."

Katherine gasped and turned to Jiro, who waved a hand at her. "I already know you're about to beg, so I'll spare you the embarrassment. Go hang out with your kid, Momma Bird. But this is your last freebie, and you better be back the second teatime ends."

"Aw, Kyoka! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed, setting her guitar in its case and starting to rush out the door.

"Um, excuse me, aren't you forgetting something?"

Katherine turned back and saw that Jiro was giving her a stern look, arms crossed. She snapped her fingers and teleported over, hugging her tightly and kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks again!" she chirped, letting go and sprinting out of the room.

"No!" Jiro called after her, blushing. "Put your sheet music away! Damn, who raised you?"

Katherine skidded to a halt in front of Iida, who was coming up the stairs. "Ah, Katherine, there you are! Midoriya and Togata are heading to the school courtyard, I believe."

"Thanks, Iida!"

She quickly teleported as close to the courtyard as she could get, then started sprinting again.

Kinda sucks that neither of them thought to come and grab me, but whatever, I'll chew 'em out later.

Before long, she spotted the trio and rushed over. "Guys! Wait up!"

Midoriya and Mirio turned to her. "Oh, hey, Katherine!" Mirio greeted. "Look, we've got a peach with us!"

"Yeah, I noticed." Katherine knelt and held her hands out. "Hey, Eri! Came to see our progress, huh?"

Eri looked at her and nodded, letting go of Mirio's sleeve and putting her hands in Katherine's. "I'm glad! Have you seen much so far?"

She shook her head. "I haven't been here long. And everyone is so tall," she mumbled.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now