Season Three- The Fine Line Between An Interrogation and Whatever This Is

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"So, where should we start?"

Katherine sat across from All Might and Midoriya in the teachers' lounge, which was thankfully empty since everyone else was working. All Might had made a special request to pull the two students from training for a bit, and now here they were.

All Might and Midoriya were both looking at her seriously, which made her bite back a grin. It was obvious they were both freaking out on the inside, and besides, this wasn't an interrogation. It was an explanation.

"First of all, how do you know about One For All?" All Might asked sternly.

"How do you even have One For All?" Midoriya blurted out. "I mean, it's not possible!"

Katherine held up a hand. "One question at a time, please."

Midoriya and All Might continued glaring at her. "Alright, I'll get on with it. I don't know much about my biological grandparents, given that I never really got to meet them. But I do know who my paternal grandmother is—and yes, this is relevant, Midoriya. Put your hand down. Have you two ever had past users of One For All visit you in your dreams?"

"That can happen?" All Might questioned, bewildered.

"That's a no. Well, the way it was explained to me, One For All has a subconscious space that the souls of the past users inhibit. I think of it as a space that overlaps between us and them. It's pretty unstable, and the only reason I'm able to use it is that my percentage of One For All is practically minuscule compared to yours and Midoriya's. But as Midoriya's been expanding his power, mine's been on the fritz. The two portions are still connected in one way or another, which means you two probably have it—you're just not able to access it yet."

"But...we never talked about One For All," All Might restated. "So, again, how do you even know what it is?"

Katherine glanced down at her necklace, fiddling with it. "When I was eleven, I had a vision. I was visited by one of the past users, and she explained One For All to me. The history, All For One, who had it then, how I got it, and the way it worked." She paused and looked back at All Might. "You know her, Toshinori. She was your predecessor."

All Might stared at her, his eyes widening. "...You don't mean...Nana Shimura?"

"No way," Midoriya mumbled.

She nodded. "Before Nana met you, All Might, she had two sons. One was my uncle, Kotaro Shimura, and the other was his younger brother, my biological father, Shadow Ride—or Takuya Shimura. A fraction of One For All got passed to my dad, and then it got passed to me," she explained. "My doctors always connected Multiquirk to a miscommunication within my body given my avian genes, but I think it was my portion of One For All at play—combining my mom and dad's quirks, plus a few others that probably branched off the originals."

"So that means...," Midoriya began slowly, "...Nana Shimura—she's your grandmother!"

"Yeah, I just said that. Where have you been the last few minutes?"

"Of course! One For All is passed down through DNA, and quirks are usually passed down genetically, it only makes sense that if a user had a child, some of One For All could be passed down," Midoriya began muttering to himself.

Katherine watched as he went off on a tangent, then glanced at All Might. He was staring at the ground, his hand over his eyes. Her wings drooped and she bit her lip, looking back at her necklace. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner," she apologized quietly. "But I wasn't sure you'd believe me. Hell, I wasn't even sure you'd picked a successor yet. I didn't know how the separated percentage of One For All would interact with the original, so I thought that it'd be better to wait until you'd transferred your power to someone else to tell you."

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