Season Three- Making Your Boyfriend Eat His Words

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"...So I took him up on that challenge, and that's why we haven't been super lovey-dovey today," Katherine finished. "We decided on a forty-eight-hour period since neither of us thinks we'll last any longer."

The girls stared at her. "And this happened last night?" Mina asked. "Huh, so you've only got one day left."

Jiro blinked. "You mean while I was making myself dinner, you two were having a lovers' quarrel?"

"Yeah. Wait, is that why we're hanging out in the common baths? Did you think we got into a serious fight or something?"

"Well, we might've assumed the worst," Momo admitted embarrassedly. "I tried to tell them not to jump to conclusions, but..."

Katherine laughed. "At least you let me explain before grabbing the pitchforks and torches. Well, I'm impressed that I made it this far, but I don't think I'll be able to last another day, so my new goal is to get him to break first," she said with an evil grin. "And the way I do that is by acting like I'm totally cool with what's going on while flirting with him subtly yet relentlessly."

"You said two days, kero?" Tsuyu questioned. "Why not longer, like a week?"

"I haven't kissed my boyfriend for twenty-four hours, Tsu. Y'know when your leg falls asleep because you haven't moved it in a while? That's how my lips feel. And my love language is touch, so I'm going through a serious withdrawal."

"Well, why not throw in the towel now?" Hagakure countered. "Then you get all the kisses you want!"

"Katherine's sadistic like that, she wants to get Todoroki completely at her mercy," Jiro commented. "That's the only reason she made his comment into a challenge in the first place."

"...I'm also a stubborn bitch who doesn't want to lose, but thanks, Jiro, now I'll have that image stuck in my head all night," Katherine muttered, her face turning red—and not from the steam of the bathwater.

She smirked. "I'm still right, aren't I?"

"I'm not legally obligated to answer that. Anyway, I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm. I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Bye!" the girls chorused.

Once she had her pajamas on, Katherine teleported into her room, flopping down on her bed.

Ugh, tired...what is it about warm baths that makes people sleepy?

I still can't believe you made sleeping in separate rooms a condition of this dumb bet.

Don't look at me. Shoto's the one who made the comment.

Yeah, and YOU'RE the one who has night terrors.

How nice of you to be concerned about my health. I'm sure I'll be fine. It's only for one more night.

Eh, will you? You kinda spaz out when you wake up.

I don't spaz out.

Yes, you do.

Katherine rolled her eyes, then jumped as she heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" she answered, rolling onto her back.

Shoto opened the door and poked his head in. "Hi. I assume with our competition, cuddling is still off the table."

She smirked and crossed her arms. "Aw, are you pining for me already?"

"Never mind. See you in the morning," he said, closing the door.

"Shoto! C'mon, I was just asking a question!"

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now