Season Three- My Quirk is Freaking Out, Man.

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Katherine stayed still as the Nomu watched her. She quickly scanned her surroundings, looking for a possible escape route.

I have to stop listening to myself. I really do come up with the worst plans.

The Nomu twitched inhumanly, and she shuddered. She wondered why it hadn't charged her yet, although she guessed it had to do with the lens in its eye.

I wonder if it's being controlled from afar. That'd be a scary development.

Katherine slowly took a step to her right. The Nomu twitched again but didn't attack.

If I'm fast enough...I can teleport behind this thing and make a run for it. But what if it chases? That'll put the others in more danger. Maybe I should–

The Nomu screeched again and rushed towards her. "Shit!" she yelled, teleporting behind it. Katherine turned as the Nomu whipped around and rushed her again. Without a second thought, she raised her fist and landed a solid hit on the Nomu.

Fuck! I didn't activate my strength enhancement!

She tentatively opened her eyes, expecting to see a very broken hand and a less broken Nomu. What she saw instead was red sparks radiating around her body, as well as the Nomu a good ten feet away from her. She gazed at her hands, completely caught off-guard.

Did...did I...activate it subconsciously?

The Nomu roared and stood, coming towards her. All of a sudden, Katherine's entire body began to ache. She doubled over and cried out, not sure what was happening.

What's going on? Why does my head feel like it's about to explode?

Blinking tears out of her eyes, she managed to push a shield toward the Nomu, sending it back. As she shook her head back and forth, she straightened up, getting into a fighting stance.

Y'know what, I'll worry about that later. I've got to fight through the pain and keep this thing at bay. I've got to figure out some way to destroy it!

She clenched her jaw and struck the Nomu again, and it flew back, hitting a tree and shrieking. Katherine didn't give it a chance to retaliate. She grabbed a stray branch and teleported over to the monster, preparing to dig it into its flesh.

The Nomu smacked her with its non-weaponized arm, and Katherine hit the ground hard, rolling over. Her nose felt like it was broken, and the rest of her body ached. Propping herself up on her elbow, she stood, swaying slightly. She spat out some blood and refocused on the Nomu, glaring and putting out a shield on her right side.

Nice try, Shigaraki. I'm a little stronger and smarter than the last time I fought one of your science experiments.

The Nomu, which had recovered as well, shrieked at her again. Katherine, with a new rush of adrenaline and wrath, screamed back and charged it. As she approached the Nomu, she slid under its legs and used the shield combined with her strength enhancement to throw it into the air. In one swift movement, she stood and used her levitation to lift the Nomu even higher. Her muscles were screaming at her; lifting the Nomu was too much for them to handle. She ignored the pain and lifted it slightly higher, then forced the creature down, taking away her levitation as it fell.

The Nomu landed heavily, causing a dust cloud to form.

This is it! One last hit should get this guy incapacitated at least.

Katherine pushed through the dust cloud and made a beeline for the Nomu, which was already trying to stand up in the crater it had created when it fell. She jumped toward it, aiming for the head. The Nomu looked at her and gave a final terrifying screech.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now