Season Four- Flying Buddies

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You would expect after such an action-packed day that it would be effortless to fall asleep. That's how it was for most of Class 1-A, proven by the silence in the dorms. No one had the energy to stay awake.

Except for Katherine, apparently, who was staring at the ceiling of Shoto's room, unable to stop fidgeting. She was just as tired as the others, but she couldn't sleep, no matter how many times she closed her eyes. She groaned and rolled over, sitting up.

Can't do it. I've gotta go for a fly.

Shoto woke up as she was putting on her shoes and yawned. "Where're you going?" he asked tiredly.

"For a fly. Can't sleep," she told him, kissing him on the forehead. "I won't go far, I just wanna see if I can tucker myself out."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just one of those nights. I'll be back in half an hour, probably sooner."

"Alright. Be careful."

Katherine smiled at him and slid the door open, stepping out onto the balcony. In her peripheral vision, she saw Shoto roll back over.

I hope he can get back to sleep without me there.

I'm sure he'll be fine. The sooner you get this energy out of your system, the sooner you can cuddle with him again.

She placed her hands on the railing and braced her left foot on it, red sparks emanating from her body.

Right. And the quickest way to get it out of my system is to use One For All while I'm flying.

Katherine pushed off with her right leg and took off, shooting straight into the air. She inhaled, filling her lungs with oxygen as she lost her velocity and began plunging toward the ground. She grinned and flipped around, snapping her wings out and banking toward Ground Omega. Turning her gaze to the starry sky, she began to climb again, eager to go for another dive.

But she was quickly distracted when something barreled towards her in the dark.

Katherine yelped and dodged the creature, then turned to squint at it as it bellowed to her. "Storm? Is that you?"

He dove toward her again, coming to hover in front of her. Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out his sharp grey eyes a few feet away. "It is you! I haven't seen you in a while! Had to get away from all the noise, huh?"

Storm chuffed and turned, beckoning with a roar for her to follow him. Katherine giggled and shot after him. She flew a few feet above him, reaching out and running her hand along his back. He seemed surprised by how rapidly she caught up and took it as a challenge, making a swift turn upward. She did the same, her wingbeats in rhythm with his. She should've been falling behind, what with their difference in wingspan, but thanks to One For All, she could match his pace.

Higher and higher the two climbed, breaking through layers upon layers of clouds. Katherine exhaled heavily, not sure how much farther she could go, considering she still felt exhausted from the day's events. It wasn't long before she felt One For All drain from her body, which only made it harder to keep up.

Can't go higher...too...sleepy...

Her wings tucked in of their own accord, and she began to descend, flipping around and preparing to snap her wings out again.

Sorry, Storm, but we'll have to do this when I'm more awake.

She heard another roar from behind, then suddenly felt something grab her ankle, pulling her through the air. She yelped and flapped her wings aimlessly. "Woah! Storm, let go!"

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now