Season Four- Eri, Katherine's Past and Future

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Soon after they defeated Mimic, the police force finally caught up with Sir Nighteye's group. Rock Lock regained consciousness as they questioned Mimic about the League of Villains, but unfortunately, the quirk-enhancing drugs were wearing off now, leaving him in no state to answer their questions rationally—or unscrew the hallways.

"I WON'T STOP UNTIL I'VE CRUSHED ALL THEIR SKULLS TO DUST!" Mimic screamed, writhing in his restraints.

Katherine rolled her eyes and turned to Sir Nighteye. "Could you knock him out again? I liked him better when he was unconscious."

Sir Nighteye gave her a stern look. "I'm guessing Bubaigawara and Toga are the only League members here, at least for now," he said, brushing over Katherine's comment. "They may not attack us, but they're still not on our side."

"Those criminals are wanted across the country," the head detective added. "As officers of the law, we cannot let them escape."

Katherine and Midoriya glanced at Aizawa, but he made no statements.

It was kind of a joke earlier, but is EraserDad really going to keep us on the front lines, even with the League around? I'd be pissed if we were shelved when we've come this far, but will the other Pros react?

Rock Lock looked up and grimaced. "Why are you idiots standing around and talking instead of acting?"

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"The cops can deal with the League. So just ignore them and keep moving!" he continued. "Or did you morons forget our mission's top priority? I'll hang tight; someone's gotta keep an eye on this Mimic guy. And thanks to the crazy girl with the knives, I ain't going anywhere anytime soon."

"He has a point," the head detective agreed. "That would be for the best."

"Well? Go on!" Rock Lock demanded. "Finish what we came here to do! The others are still fighting for us! We worked too damn hard to give up on that girl now! So go!"

Katherine and Midoriya glanced at each other, and with a shared, determined nod, they started down one of the halls. "Let's go!" she yelled to Aizawa and Sir Nighteye, who quickly followed.

"We'll find her and save her! Don't worry, Rock Lock!" Midoriya called back to him.

The hallways became more normal-looking the farther away they got from where they had left Rock Lock with Mimic. "The passages are evening out," Sir Nighteye observed. "We must be getting close."

Katherine's jaw clenched. Every step she took was a step closer to saving Eri.

A step closer to confronting Kai Chisaki.

A step closer to facing her past.

She felt like she was running into a situation where she knew what could happen but was still blind to the danger she would encounter. It was a feeling she was becoming accustomed to, where her heart pounded with the thud of each footstep.

Hold on, Mirio. Hold on, Eri. We're getting close. We're almost there!

"Up there!"

When she returned to the world outside of her head, Katherine noticed another person wearing a plague mask laying on the floor, seemingly knocked out. Along with that, there was a wall cutting them off from the rest of the corridor. "That must be it!" Aizawa announced.

Katherine and Midoriya pushed past the rest of the group, both activating One For All.

This is it...our last obstacle.

She went for a strike while Midoriya used Full Cowl.

Let's finish this, together!

With their synchronized attacks, the wall broke down easily. Midoriya's momentum allowed him to attack again, and Katherine watched as he struck a man with short brown hair wearing a plague doctor mask—Chisaki. Quickly, she turned her gaze to Chisaki's opponent and saw Mirio—bloody and bruised; trying to push himself off of the floor.

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