Season Four- This Is Why We Always Make Contingency Plans

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"Eraser!" Kirishima yelled.

Another hole opened in the wall opposite Aizawa, and the concrete pillar forced him toward it. Katherine reached out and activated her levitation, hoping to snag his scarf and pull him to her side. On the other side, Fatgum pushed Aizawa out of the way, putting himself in the pillar's path.

Aizawa landed in front of Katherine as the pillar shoved Fatgum through the hole, which quickly closed. "Are you okay?" she asked, helping him up.

"I'm fine, Problem Child. I hope Fatgum knows what he's doing."

She nodded and ran her eyes over the rest of the group, then realized with a jolt someone else was missing. "Where's Kirishima?"

Midoriya looked around as well, then turned to her, eyes wide. "He jumped right when Fatgum did. You don't think...?"

Katherine turned to the wall Fatgum had fallen through. She teleported over and ran her hand over it, then activated One For All and punched it. It cracked, but it was definitely solid. "No use. The passageway must've been formed by Mimic," she stated, shaking off her hand. "No way down unless we tunnel through ourselves. So much for sticking together."

"Then we keep moving," Sir Nighteye said. "They'll catch up."

The remaining Pros followed, but Katherine didn't respond, laying her head against the wall and closing her eyes.

I'm sorry, Eijiro. I should've moved. I should've done something. Now you're probably facing a threat I can't even imagine. You all promised to be there for me today. Why is it becoming so hard for me to do the same?


She opened her eyes and looked over. Midoriya was standing next to her, smiling and holding out his hand. "Let's keep going. For Red Riot."

Katherine stared at him for a moment, then smiled back under her mask and took his hand. "For Red Riot."

Midoriya squeezed her hand and pulled her along as he ran to catch up with the adults. "Those two sure are close," Rock Lock mentioned as they approached.

"They've been closer since Bakugo was kidnapped," Aizawa told him. "I'm not sure why, but I think it has to do with the League of Villains. They're targets for the same reason—their powers."

Sir Nighteye glanced back at the two students as they talked amongst themselves, his eyes narrowing.

Powers, huh?


About a week earlier, after the initial meeting for Eri's rescue mission, Sir Nighteye had met with Gran Torino in his office to privately discuss the incident in Kamino Ward, as well as the League of Villains.

"The ringleader of the League is Nana Shimura's grandson?"

Gran Torino nodded grimly. "According to All For One, yes. Don't know how truthful he's being, but Shimura did have a son that she gave up just before he killed her. I didn't keep tabs on him, so he could've gotten married and had a grandson. Toshinori was pretty torn up about it."

Sir Nighteye sat in silence for a moment. "And now?"

"Well, now he's doing alright. He's got his protégé, and he's training him to the best of his ability," Gran Torino continued. He paused and grinned. "But y'know, Kamino wasn't all that bad. We got to see an up-and-coming Pro Hero try out her skills, which is always refreshing. I don't suppose you know Katherine Ride?"

"Eraserhead and Present Mic's daughter," he mumbled. "I've met her, but know her mostly by name. She placed third in the Sports Festival."

"Yeah, and a week later, she took out Stain. Got attacked by the League in Tokyo and held her own against Shigaraki and Himiko Toga till help arrived. She's a fighter, that one. She's also good friends with Midoriya, and Toshinori's known her for a few years. She reminds him of Shimura."

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