Nightmare and Fallen's Data Sheets

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Name: Fallen

Nickname(s): None

Age: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: Approximately 5'8" (172 cm)

Blood Type: Unknown

Defining Features: Gold markings (prominently up and down her arms), gold horns (feathery), and gold wings (that can ignite on command).

Powers: Pyrokinesis + Healing (Elementally fire-based)

Eye color: Amber

Hair color: Blood-Red

Species: Phoenix

Sexuality: Aromantic

Gender: Agender (Prefers she/her pronouns)

Fallen's Powers: A Brief Synopsis of What She Can Do

As a phoenix spirit, Fallen's powers are elementally fire-based. However, she also has healing capabilities.

Pyrokinesis- Pyrokinesis is the technical term for Fallen's fire powers. As you can probably guess, she can create and control fire with her mind. This fire can vary in temperature when she's in control, but can only stay at a basic temperature when Katherine is using them. Backlash: In the past, there was no backlash for this power, but extended use of this power for Katherine can leave mild to severe burns depending on how overboard she goes.

Healing- Fallen's healing powers are not very different from Katherine's, known for speeding up the healing process. In fact, the two powers seem to have merged, as neither Katherine nor Fallen can tell the difference between which power is used. They believe one power has given the other a boost. Backlash: The backlash for this power is the same as Katherine's healing—mild to extreme exhaustion.

Name: Nightmare

Nickname(s): None

Age: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: Approximately 5'8" (172 cm)

Blood Type: Unknown

Defining Features: Black markings (resemble scales; most prominently on her left cheek), black horns (larger than Fallen's; dragon-like), fangs ('cause why not?), and black dragon wings (leathery).

Powers: Shadow Manipulation + Bioluminescence (elementally moon-based)

Eye color: Smokey Grey

Hair color: Indigo Blue

Species: Dragon

Sexuality: Aromantic

Gender: Agender (prefers she/her pronouns)

Nightmare's Powers: A Brief Synopsis of What She Can Do

Every Apex Spirit has a specific elemental power that goes with their classification. For dragon spirits, it's not as cut and dry as phoenix spirits. Elemental powers can vary from earth to electricity. Nightmare's powers are moon-based and wane depending on the moon's cycle. She's strongest when the moon is full.

Shadow Manipulation- Nightmare can manipulate shadows however she wants, using them as restraints, weapons, and catapults. She has the interesting ability to make shadows solid, which she often uses to plunge shadowy spikes through people's hearts. There is no known limit to her power, which she takes pride in. Backlash: In the past, there was no backlash for this power, but extended use of this power for Katherine can cause severe muscle tears, signified by black streaks that break out across her arms as she fights.

Bioluminescence- This isn't exactly a helpful power, but the ends of Nightmare's wings and horns often glow deep blue when the moon is full. There is no backlash for this power.

Powers Both Apex Spirits Share:

Telepathy- Besides being present in their ward's head, Apex Spirits can also tap into other people's heads with or without their knowledge. They can establish neural links between their ward and others so they can communicate telepathically to multiple people or they can take a peek at someone's thoughts (similar to Sora's Mind-Read). Nightmare does this more often than Fallen to get a quick read on people Katherine is interacting with, but usually doesn't report back her observations. However, she will say that Kaminari's headspace is an endless loop of Wii music.

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