Season Three- Who Gave Me All This Trauma? (And Where Can I Find Them?)

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A few days later, the class was gathered in the common room in front of Aizawa. He'd said he had an announcement to make, and the class was eagerly waiting for what he had to say. "Alright. As we all know, our week at the training camp was cut short due to the attack."

The class glanced around, then nodded collectively. "Since we've moved you back into the school, you're going to continue your training. Aside from just training to strengthen your quirks, you'll be working towards a goal: getting your Provisional Hero Licenses."

"Seriously?" Katherine asked. "But most students take that exam in their second year."

"That's true," Aizawa admitted, "but with the way the world is right now, we think it'll be safer if everyone gets their Provisional Licenses immediately. As you all probably know, Provisional Hero Licenses grant you legal permission to intervene during a villain attack and save people who are in danger. The exam for these licenses will be held in one week. Keep in mind that the success rate for the Provisional Licensing Exam is less than five percent. To prepare, I want everyone to begin working on at least two signature Ultimate Moves."

He scanned the class. "Is that clear? Good. Go get your costumes on and meet Midnight, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and me in Gym Gamma."

Within fifteen minutes, 1-A had made their way down to the gym. Katherine looked around at the large space and whistled. "Hey, Cementoss, how long did it take you to fix this place up?" she asked, turning to him.

"Not too long," Cementoss said. "At least this way, I can alter the gym's environment to fit everyone's needs."

"As Eraser told you, you'll be working on your special moves," Midnight reiterated. "Keep in mind that you should also talk to the Support Course about upgrading your costumes now that you're getting a better idea of your skills. Plus, they'll aid you in the creation of your specialized skills."

"And remember," Ectoplasm joined in, "your special moves don't necessarily have to be combative. Consider Kamui Wood's Lacquered Chain Prison—it allows him to apprehend villains before they can move. If your skills aren't suited necessarily for combat moves, consider moves like Lacquered Chain Prison as inspiration to do something different."

"I think we've covered everything," Aizawa interrupted. "Cementoss, give everyone their own fighting ring. Ectoplasm, make some clones. Midnight and I will be monitoring from the sidelines."

And with that, training began. It had been a relatively quick briefing, but Katherine understood why.

With the League still on the move, we need to be allowed to fight back without direct permission, to keep ourselves safe. We've only got a week or so to prepare; that's why we're not spending time on long tangents. It's gotta be short and to the point.

"You seem to be distracted, WildCard," Ectoplasm—rather his clone—said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Katherine blinked. As she'd been thinking, she'd also mindlessly claimed a spot in the gym. "Right, sorry! I'm trying to think about my special moves and what I want to call them."

Ectoplasm's clone nodded. "Ah, yes. This is something you've had in mind since you started training with Eraserhead, correct?"

"Yeah! Considering my hero name, I think it'd be appropriate if I had four special moves—one for each card suit," she explained. "I already know what I want Spade to be, Diamond should probably be something with my shields...but Heart and Club are where I'm stuck."

"Well, go ahead and show me Spade, since you already know what that one will be," Ectoplasm's clone encouraged, gearing up to fight.

Katherine grinned under her mask and began to sprint toward him. Just as she got close, she spread her wings and took flight, circling behind him. After she got a bit of height, she went in for a dive. While still in midair, she flipped around so her feet were facing the clone's back. "Incoming...Spade!" she yelled as she kicked Ectoplasm's clone to the floor. She used the force of the hit to push herself off his back as he fell, doing a backflip and landing on her knees. She straightened up with a smile. "So? What do you think?"

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