Season Four- The Black Death Agenda

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"So, you think you'll be able to join us?" Kaminari asked. "I know it's a little sudden, but Kiri wants to get back into the game before things at his work-study heat up."

Katherine nodded as they walked into the dorm building. "Yeah, of course! I'm always up for game night. Thanks for still coming to training; I can tell your power is growing quickly."

He grinned, picking at the band-aids on his knuckles. "You think so, huh? I can only hope. Alright, I'll text you when I get ready to head over."

"Sounds good! See you then!"

It had been a few days since Katherine and Shoto had gone searching for Storm in Ground Omega. Given their near miss with the Black Death, Shoto was in no way eager to return to the training ground. Katherine, on the other hand, was growing increasingly impatient with him. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance; she couldn't blow it. So, in the free time between now and game night...

She'd be tackling this on her own.

Shoto, though disapproving, knew his only choice in the matter was to be supportive, and when Katherine teleported into their shared dorm, he had already laid out her notebook and some honey sticks. "Hey! Is this all for me?"

"I figured you'd be in a bit of a rush."

"You thought correctly. Are you sure you don't want to go with me?" she asked as she stuffed the honey sticks into her pockets. "You were all about us doing this together when I first brought it up."

"I could go a lifetime without seeing another Black Death," he answered, handing over her notebook. "Besides, if I get worried, I'll at least know where to find you."

Katherine raised an eyebrow. "And you trust me not to do something dangerous?"

"Not at all. However, I do trust that you'll get yourself out of it."

She laughed and cupped his face in her hands. "Aw, I love you so much."

Shoto smiled and kissed her. "I love you, too. Be careful."

"I always am," she told him, walking out to the balcony.

"That's debatable."

Katherine turned and sat on the railing, blowing him a kiss before falling backward off of the balcony. She evened out as soon as possible and headed in the direction of Ground Omega.

I've got at least an hour before I've got to be back. Hopefully, I can make it count.

It didn't take long at all for her to reach the grounds. She had decided ahead of time that continuing to the resting site on foot was best if she wanted to stay covert. Katherine walked silently through the woods, trying to avoid any stray sticks in her path.

You're being really nitpicky right now. We know that Storm doesn't have the best hearing, so why are you avoiding sticks like a plague?

It's not Storm I'm worried about. It's anybody else that might be here.

What about them? They'll just think you're training.

It's not a risk I'm willing to take. Be quiet, you.

Before long (thank you, navigation skills), her eyes landed upon a familiar curtain of ivy. Katherine perked up and quickly brushed through it, grinning as her eyes landed on multiple patches of scorched grass.

Hello, Storm.

She walked through the hanging ivy, scanning the clearing. There were some more piles of fish bones and a few pawprints, but no sign of Storm himself. Katherine knelt next to a pawprint and put her hand inside of it, marveling at the size difference.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now