Season Four- Fuck This, Fuck That, Fuck You

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Katherine stiffened. That voice...

No, it...

She slowly raised her head, looking at her mirror. In place of where her reflection had just been—as impossible as it seemed—was Shigaraki.

Staring at the mirror in silent shock, she instantly straightened up. At first, she rubbed her eyes harshly, but when she realized he was still there, she grabbed her towel off the rack and threw it at the mirror. Not only did he not disappear, but he also gave her a look, like she was an idiot. She snatched her towel back and threw it to the side, squinting at the mirror. "Are you finished?" he asked.

Fucking perfect. Add schizophrenia to my list of mental illnesses.

Hey, I've got an itinerary of your mental illnesses. You don't have that one, thank Vida.

Nightmare's right. This isn't a hallucination.

You mean the actual Tomura Shigaraki is on the other side of my mirror right now? Even better.

"What do you want, Tenko?" Katherine asked cautiously. "Actually, you know what? I don't care. Get out of my mirror."

"#213, please, just hear me out."

"Even if I wanted to, which I absolutely do not, I don't have the mental capacity to give another person my time today. I am dangerously close to throwing myself off the roof of some random building to relieve my stress, and trust me, you do not want to be the person that pushes me over the edge."

"Noted," Shigaraki mumbled. " okay?"

"Did you seriously just ask me that? Wait, why the fuck do you even care? You're trying to kill me."

"#213, listen, I–"

"It's Katherine. And don't try this change of heart bullshit with me. Get out of my mirror and leave me alone."

Shigaraki scowled, then took a deep breath and removed the hand that covered his face. "Katherine. I don't expect you to forgive me."

"Cool. Now go away."

"Let me finish. I want you to understand me."

"I understand that you're a psychopath's puppet trying to take away the only people that matter to me, and that's all I need to know," she hissed. "Leave. Me. Alone."

"#213, don't be difficult," he snapped. "I'm trying my best here, but you're not helping."

"Yeah, right. How stupid do you think I am? If I give you an inch, you'll ask for a mile," she shot back. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen clearly: Fuck. Off. Before I do the rational thing and get a Pro in here so I can figure out where you are and take you down."

She heard a chuckle in the distance. "This is going well," Dabi rasped from somewhere on Shigaraki's side.

"Shut your mouth," he snapped before turning back to Katherine. "I want you on the League."

Her eyes widened. However, she quickly steeled herself and gave him a look. "Ha-ha. That almost got me."

"I'm serious," he said through gritted teeth. "We need you."

"Fuck you. In what world would I ever join your circus of psychopaths? I'm nothing like you."

She had been repeating that phrase since she'd found out they were (maybe) related. She wasn't like him. She could never be like him. She hadn't had reason to doubt it.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now