Season Three- *Laughs Nervously*

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"Woah, Katherine!" Hagakure exclaimed. "You changed your costume!"

Katherine smiled as she walked into Gym Gamma. It had been four days since she asked Hatsume for her costume modifications, and the new costume had come in that morning. One thing she noticed now that she had it on was that there was biometric technology sewn into her t-shirt. She had gotten déjà vu reading Hatsume's note about it. The system synced to her Data Specs and she now had a panel on the side of her screen telling her about her respiration levels, heartbeat, and blood pressure, among other things. "Heh, yeah. I felt like I needed some more subtle flair."

"It looks badass!" Kirishima said with a grin. "The villains will be shaking in their boots if you show up to a fight like that!"

"Aw, thanks, Kiri!"

"How can someone be so cute and sweet and yet so terrifying?" Kaminari asked no one in particular.

"It's one of her talents, I guess," Sero responded. "But it must only be exclusive to girls, or else Bakugo would be nicer to us."



"Hey, Midoriya, you made some modifications, too!" Ojiro mentioned.

"Oh, yeah, they're iron soles!" Midoriya explained. "I'm trying a new style of kick-based fighting, instead of my usual punches."

Katherine turned to him, intrigued. "Oh? Is it because you shattered your arms at the training camp?" she asked teasingly.

He smiled sheepishly. "Not exactly, but it is taking the stress off of them."

"Enough chit-chat," Aizawa demanded, having just entered the gym. "You should all be working, get a move on."

"Yes sir!"

Katherine teleported to her area of the gym, one of Ectoplasm's clones joining her shortly thereafter. "So, what were we working on yesterday?" he asked. "Your special move Diamond?"

She nodded. "Yup. But we had to take a break because I went blind in one eye. That's progress though! Usually, it's both, which means I'm completely stuck."

"Right. Let's switch it up a little, I have a suggestion for your Spade attack."

"Oh? Alright, what is it?"

"You've been working on making shields under yourself, right? When you go in for that kick, make a shield under your feet as soon as you're close to making contact with your target," Ectoplasm's clone suggested. "It'll give you something to bounce off of other than your target, and it'll be a more forceful hit until you learn to apply your strength-enhancement quirk when you're flying."

"Sounds good! Let's try it right now!" Katherine said excitedly, turning to take off.

"Don't strain yourself," she heard him call after her. She rolled her eyes and spread her wings. The next second, she was in the air, circling around behind the clone.

Okay, shield under feet when I go for the kick. Seems easy enough.

She went for a dive toward the clone's back, flipping around when she got closer, making the shield under her feet. However, just as she was about to hit him, Ectoplasm's clone turned to face her.

Katherine yelped and tried to stop, but it was too late. She collided with the clone, successfully knocking him down, but also tumbling to the ground gracelessly with him. She groaned and picked herself up off the cement, wincing as she stretched a wing carefully.

Well, that's going to hurt in the morning.

Is it broken?

That was hilarious. Do it again.

Katherine Ride: Battlefield *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now