25 - The Night of Homecoming Pt 1

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Y/n's POV

After Wanda and I met up with a very jumpy Peter, we headed for the school. After a while of Wanda and I just talking Peter finally interjects, "Hey, guys?"

Wanda looks at him worriedly, "Yeah, Peter?"

He takes a deep breath, "Do you guys know about Oscorp?"

Oh shit. How am I going to be able to talk about Oscorp when that's where I got my powers?

Maybe I should just say, "What's that?" Never mind, I can already see my talent of being a horrible lair peeking through even though I haven't even said anything, yet. Probably my best strategy is to keep my mouth shut.

Wanda saves the day and says, "Yeah, why?"

"It's just that they are having this ball in a couple weeks and Tony said he can get us all tickets.", Peter fiddles with his sleeve.

Ok...interesting. Now how do I respond to this? I don't really like to share about the fact that my parents are crazy scientists because usually that ends with my friends more interested in my parents than me. It's not fun. Once I actually had a friend turn all blue like that girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after she tried to help my parents with something. We moved shortly after that.

Maybe I can pretend to be sick to my parents and get out of the gala and just tell my friends I'm busy. That's actually an amazing idea.

"Oh, I'm busy.", I respond. I'm so good at this stuff! No wonder I'm an avenger.

Wanda and Peter just stare at me with obvious confusion on their face until Wanda says, "Peter didn't say the date. How do you know if you will be busy?"

Fuck! Lie! Lie! Lie!

"Oh, I'll just be busy that whole week, you know?"

"I just said in a couple of weeks. I didn't say the actual time frame, but by the way it's three weeks."

"Well I'll be busy that whole week!", I look away from Peter and Wanda to see my savior, school. "Oh, look! We're here!"


Peter and I are working at the ticket station while Wanda's inside at the snacks station with Liz. After putting someone's money away, I look up to see Tony with his snarky smile looking at me.

"Hey, anyway you can let me in for free? You know because we're friends?", Tony smiles.

Clint smacks him in the back of the head, "Dude, you're crazy rich, you'll be fine."

"Geez fine...", He goes over to Peter to pay and get his stamp. I joke with the guys as I help Peter to get them all stamped and to make sure they all paid. Once I think we got the whole group, Bucky shows up.

I smile at him as he pulls out his money. He looks... really good. "Hey Bucky", I say, noticing my face becoming a bit warmer for some reason.

He smiles back, although he looks a bit uncomfortable, maybe he doesn't like crowds. He then says, "Hey, you look nice."

He's really sweet for saying that. Wait! I need to say something back and not just sit here, looking at him because that's definitely what I'm currently doing.

"You look nice too- wait your tie matches my dress! That's awesome!", I notice his tie and it makes me smile. I'm happy I'm matching with him. I'd be happy to match with any of my friends, though!

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