Chapter 17

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I found myself cuddling up next to Jack after a while. I didn't even think about it when I rested my head on his chest and he didn't seem to mind because he put a blanked over us.

It's actually a pretty normal thing; Jack and I watching our favourite movies together, mouthing every word along. But this time was different. I couldn't really concentrate on what happened on the screen in front of me, my mind was somewhere else. The heartbeat underneath me was distracting me.

It feels so good but kind of weird at the same time.

Jack's P.O.V.

I wish this moment right now would never end. I could get used to the feeling of her in my arms. But the movie's gonna be over in the next few minutes and Liz will get herself off me.

I wish I knew if this is just a normal friend thing to her or if she feels it too.

Liz P.O.V.

"Love seems so uncomplicated in movies when in reality it's so hard".

I've never heard Jack talking about love.

"Wow did that just came out of your mouth?", I said and laughed. I felt him shrug next to me. "I guess".

The credit started to roll over the screen and I looked up to Jack. His lips curved up to a smile and I found myself thinking of how his lips would feel against mine. I seriously need to stop thinking about stuff like this.

I quickly sat up to turn the tv off.

"This movie never gets old", he said.

I yawned and felt really tired. "I think I'm gonna try to get some sleep, thanks for the tea though", I said and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and sat up. "We should start again to do this more often", Jack pointed out and I nodded. "Yeah we should".

"Alright, good night Lizzy, sweet dreams", he stroke my arm and got out of my bunk.

I let out a loud sigh. Jack's right, why can't love be so uncomplicated like in the movies?

Or well, the word 'love' is probably too big but still. This whole thing that is going on is so difficult.

I have no idea what's going on in my mind. Why do I always feel the urge to kiss him? Is my mind playing tricks on me?

There are two options; I either have to avoid Jack so I can get him off my mind or I need to get even closer to him to find out if my feelings are real.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now