Chaptet 14

78 3 0

I felt panic building up in me so I jumped up and turned around. I didn't even look who was infront of me, I just punched the person in the stomach. The person let out a deep groan and that's when I looked up.

"Alan", I said shocked.

He held his hands to his stomach. "I see, you're a tough girl", he breathed a laugh and coughed after.

I didn't mean to hurt him. I went over to him. "You okay dude? I'm so sorry, but you scared me you know", I told him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine", he gave me a smile and let go of his stomach. "And I'm the one to say sorry, I shouldn't have come from behind you", Alan said and streched his neck which caused me to give him a small smile. "I didn't mean to hurt you".

"It's alright, let's just forget about it. What are you doing anyway?", he asked me and looked around.

"I'm not much of a dancer", I simply said and looked at the ground. "Thought so, you wanna drink something instead?", he asked me and I nodded. Drinking sounds good.

We went over to the bar and Alan ordered two beer and handed me one. I poured at least half of it down and placed the bottle on the table, seeing Alan watching me amused. "What?".

"Nothing", he said and took a sip from his beer. "I noticed that we practically know nothing about each other".

That's true. We never really talked before. Sure we said our hello's every now and then but we never had a real conversation.

"Right, what do you need to know?", I asked and took a sip. He seemed to think and the corner of his mouth curled up to a little smirk. "Tell you me".

"There's actually nothing you have to know about me", I shrugged. "I'm awkward".

"You seem pretty cool to me", Alan said and ran a hand through his hair.

He's either lying, drunk or just not able to see the real me. A broken girl who fucks up everything. Pretty cool if you ask me. "Nah".

"I see you're shy right now but I know there's much more in you. You just have to allow yourself to let it out", he said and pocked my chest where my heart is. I sat straight up and swallowed the rest of my beer.

"Another one?", Alan asked me and I nodded with a smile.

We talked for the next hour and drank a lot more. Alan is actually a really nice guy. I heard some rumours that he can be really rude but he didn't seem to be like that, at least not now.

I already had around 7 beers and 2 shots in my blood and I could feel it. My vision started to get blurry and I laughed at everything Alan said. He drank as much as me, maybe a bit more I'm not sure.

Alan stood up and held his hands out for me. "Maybe you're much more of a dancer now", he winked at me, nodding to the empty bottles infront of me. I took his hands and let him guide me to the dancefloor without even thinking.

We both danced along to the loud music and I actually let myself go.

I wouldn't have danced if I wasn't drunk but oh well.

We danced for god knows how long until we both were out of energy. I decicded it was time to get a some fresh air so I went outside, Alan coming with me.

We sat down on a bench and just relaxed for a moment until he spoke up again. "You're rad, I think I already like you", he said and put an arm around me, smiling down at me. I didn't move away. "You aren't too bad yourself", I winked at him and rested my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like this for like 10 minutes. I felt my phone vibrate in my bra so I took it out, Alan smirking at me. I mouthed 'fuck you' to him before checking my messages.

From Jack the man:
Where u at

I texted him back, telling him I'm outside and he said he'll come out.

Alan and I talked about random stuff until Jack stood infront of us, looking slightly drunk.

"Sup Jackooo", I greeted him. I noticed his eyes switching between Alan and me. I just giggled and got up to go over to him. "Having fun?", he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes we're having lots of fun", Alan said before I had the chance to say something. Jack stared at Alan who was smirking. He's such a cheeky drunk.

I took Jack's hand and played with his fingers. "You wanna have some fun too?".

Jack frowned at first but his look softened as I started to laugh. "Let's go back inside", I said, looking at the two drunken men next to me. Not that I wasn't drunk.

They nodded and the night went on.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt