Chapter 11

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I met Patty's bandmates and we hung out until the day was over. They were all really nice dudes and I actually enjoyed my day, even though I felt a little uncomfortable.

We exchanged our phone numbers and said our goodbyes.

"You're a rad girl, don't let anyone telling you otherwise. I know you can do this, stay rad" were Patty's last words. I was wondering what exactly he meant because I didn't told him everything about me and my problems. But we were talking about specific topics though.

I went back to the tourbus and found everyone sitting in the front lounge.

I got a few smirks and glares. The glares were from Rian and Jack. I can understand Rian's, but Jack?

"Where were you?", my older brother asked me with a frown.

"Hung out with that guy from earlier", I simply said and walked over to the fridge to get a water.

"You can't just hang out with a stranger Liz", he said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm old enough to decide with whom I hang out, Rian".

"Well, are we going to see him again then?", he raised his eyebrow and I shrugged because I didn't really know if I'll see him again. You'll never know I guess.

One week later

Everything has been pretty cool the past week except one thing; Jack was ignoring me and only spoke to me when it was really necessary and to be honest, it was fucking annoying. I didn't know why. I haven't done anything, did I?

Today was a day off and we were all just chilling.

"Can you give me my phone, Jack?", I asked him since my phone was right next to him on the kitchen counter where he was making himself a sandwich and I was sitting on the couch.

Alex and Rian were at the PTV Tourbus, Zack was training somewhere and the crew said they going to explore the City so we were alone.

"Aren't your legs working?", he snapped at me and that's when I decided enough is enough.

"What's your fucking problem? You either ignoring me or snapping at me. Would you tell me what I've done wrong? Because I can't remember I've done anything", I stood up and yelled at him. He just started at me.

"Don't have an answer huh?", I glared at him.

"I-I'm sorry", Jack sighed, shoved his plate to the side and sat down. "I didn't mean to ignore you and snap at you", he sighed.

"And why did you do it then?", I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.



"I'm sorry, I won't do it again", he said with an apologetic look placed on his face. I just nodded. I didn't got an answer for my question but at least he said sorry.

"Come here", Jack held his arms out for a hug. I walked over to him and hugged him. I love his hugs, they always make me feel safe.

"Talk to me if somethings bothering you", I whispered in his ear. "Will do".

"Wanna go to Starbucks?", he asked me as we both pulled away from the hug. I nodded and we went off the bus.


Jack's POV

Liz and I were sitting in a corner in some Starbucks in town. I paid her Coffee, as a little gesture that I'm sorry for my acting in the past week. It wasn't fair to ignore her and snap at her and giving her the feeling that she has done something wrong, that was the last thing I wanted.

I was just a pissed because of that guy she brought backstage. I felt a little pain in my chest as she appeared with him, looking all happy. And then she hung out with him the whole day even though she didn't know him. He could have kidnapped her or something.

I admit that I didn't like the fact that she was hanging out with other guys because well, me Jack Barakat, have a crush on Liz Dawson.

I've always thought she was cute but the older the got, the more feeling have grown. I've never told her because 1. I don't think she likes me the way I like her and 2. How am I supposed to explain Rian that I have a crush on his younger sister? He would probably kill me.

Liz' POV

"Wanna go back?", I asked Jack.

No reply. I looked over to him to see him staring out of the window

"Jack?", I snapped my fingers in front of his face and he finally looked up at me. "Yeah?".

"I asked you if we could go back", I laughed and swung my cup to show it's empty.

"Sure", he nodded and we got up.

We headed outside and I started to walk in the direction we came from as Jack stopped me. "Wait, I need to buy some things. Come with me?", he asked me with a pout. "Alright".

We ended up just goofing around in different stores. Wearing ugly hats and sunglasses in some clothes store, watching TV at a TV-store and playing with Lego in a Toy Store. But the only things that Jack bought were some candys and some 'glasses' where you can drink from.

At least we had fun and that's what Jacks the best for. You can always have fun with him, no matter in what sitiuation. It would even be funny if I get stuck in a elevator, as long as I'm with him in there.

"Want some?", Jack asked me, gesturing to the bag with candys in his hand. I shook my head.

"One candy won't kill you".

"But it will make me fat", I said and laughed to play it cool even though it made me sad. And as I looked up at Jack it seemed like he was kind of sad too.

"You're not fat, not a little bit. You're beautiful, Lizzy", he said and i felt my cheeks heat up and my heart pounding. I looked back at the ground to hide my probably red cheeks and laughed awkward because I didn't know what to say.

We carried on walking back to the bus.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now