Chapter 12

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By the time Jack and I got back to the tourbus it was already after 8pm.

Alex was making microwave popcorn and Rian and Matt were taking drinks out of the fridge.

"Hey", Jack said and the three looked up at us. "Finally", Rian said. "We thought you two forgot about our movie night".

Oops I actually forgot about it.

"Get your asses to the back lounge", Matt said with grin and Jack and I did what we got told.

I sat down next to Danny and Jack sat down next to me.

We chose some random horror movie and started playing it.

I got tired in the middle of the third movie so I rested my head on Jack's shoulder and he put his arm around me, pulling me closer into his side which caused my heart to beat faster. I really enjoyed being this close to him but at the same time it felt a bit weird since I got these stupid feelings around him. I couldn't make out why my heart was always pounding and why I blushed when we were touching or when he says nice things to me.

I mean we're best friends, and friends don't get those things for each other, right?

I can't have a thing for Jack, he's 6 years older than me, plus we're best friends since I can remember and that would be kind of weird.

I need to spend more time with him to find out how I really feel about him, I guess.

I couldn't get the chance of thinking about it anymore because I felt myself driving off to sleep.

Jack's POV

I looked down at Liz who had her head on my shoulder for already about half an hour. Her chest was rising and falling slightly so I guess she fell asleep on me. "Liz?", I whispered, just to make sure that she's really asleep. I didn't get a response.

She looks so adorable and peaceful when she's sleeping. Her hair was over one of her eyes and her mouth was opened just a little bit. Her one hand was rested on my thigh and I would lie if i'd say I didn't feel sparks in my stomach.

"I'm taking Liz to bed and going to sleep too, I'm really tired", I told the guys and stood up.

I picked her small body up and carried her into her bunk. She made a little noise as I laid her down.

"Stay with me", she said, her eyes still closed. These three words made my heart jump.

"You want me to sleep with you in your bunk?", I asked her and she just hummed.

I stripped down to my boxers but let my shirt on. I crawled next to her under the covers, lying on my back.

I thought about the day we spent together today. I always have so much fun with her and from the smile she had placed on her face the whole day, I could tell she enjoyed today too. It makes me happy to see her smile because she deserves to be happy and forget about the past.

I'm happy she's fine now.

"See you in the morning", Liz said and snuggled into my side. "Good night, Liz", I said and closed my eyes to distract myself from the urge to give her a kiss.


I woke up the next morning to whispers. I kept my eyes closed and tried to make out what the people were saying.

"We just slept in her bunk okay? Calm down", a voice said quietly, I guess it was Jack.

"I can't calm down when I find you in my sisters bunk, obviously cuddling", the other voice whisper yelled, obviously Rian.

"We're not cuddling, I just slept in her bunk because she asked me to stay with her", Jack said with a frustated.

"How do you call it when two people lying together with their arms around each other?!", Rian said, raising his voice.

"Shh you will wake Liz up", Jack hushed him. "Too late", I groaned and opened my eyes. Jack was still lying next to me with his arm around me and my brother was standing outside my bunk, both glaring at each other.

"Liz will you please tell Rian that I just slept in your bunk because you asked me to and that nothing happened?", Jack sighed.

"That's what this is all about?", I asked, acting like I didn't hear anything of their conversation because it's kinda awkward.

"Yes. Stupid isn't it?", Jack scoffed next to me. "Rian, I did ask him to stay. It's not a big deal. Aren't friends allowed to sleep together in one bed?", I asked him, sitting up.

"Well not when the two friends are my little sister and my guy best friend", he glared. This whole situation is starting to piss me off.

"Being protective much huh?", I said.

"Maybe I am but i have all the rights for it", Rian said, looking at Jack who was still lying down. "You know what? I just woke up and I don't really wanna discuss about shit like that", I said and got up, Jack doing the same.

"You don't even have pants sweatpants on?", Rian clenched his jaw like he always does when he's angry.

I looked down at Jack and laughed at that. Not because I thought it's funny that he's only in his boxers, I laughed because this situation is getting more awkward.

I didn't really thought about what I said next but I don't regret it. "He was too exhausted to put them back on last night I guess", I said with a smirk placed on on my lips. That was a completely lie but I kind of like it to provoke Rian.

Both Rian's and Jack's jaws dropped which caused me to laugh even more.

"Just kidding, just kidding", I held my hands up in defense. "I'm taking a shower", I said and walked away.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now