Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning quite early I guess because it was still a bit dark as I opened my curtain. I checked the time, seeing it's only 6:52am. But I got up because i couldn't sleep anymore.

Looks like everyone is still sleeping.

I picked up some random clothes and went into the 'bathroom'. I cleaned myself up a bit, got dressed, put on a bit make up and put my hair into a lazy bun.

I decided to take a walk since I didn't really know what else to do and I love to see the sunrise, more than the sunset. So I slipped into my vans, took my phone, put my headphones in and went outside.

It was still a bit cold but warm enough that i'm not freezing. I expected everyone to be still asleep since the party last night last till the early morning.

I'm tired as fuck but I couldn't sleep because I had to think of Jack and what happened last night. Okay he was drunk but it will confused me that he said he doesn't want our friendship to end.

And the way we danced together, that he told me I looked beautiful and how he touched and looked at me. Not gonna lie, I had a weird feeling in my stomach, not a bad feeling but it was kind of weird. I just don't know what it was.

I stopped walking as I saw Zack jogging in my direction. Seriously Zack? You're jogging at like 7am? He's so fitness addicted.

I took my headphones out. "Morning Zack", I greeted him as he reached me.

"Morning Liz. What are you doing out here so early?", he asked me curious.

"Couldn't sleep anymore", I simply replied and he nodded.

"Because of last night?", his lip curved up into a small smirk.

"What do you mean?", I asked, wondering what exactly he means.

"You and Jack. Was lovely to see you two dancing and stuff, you know", he winked at me.

"You had nothing better to do than playing the little creep?", I said, laughing.

"I didn't play a little creep, I am a little creep", he said with a grin and I punched him playfully in his arm.

"Idiot", I chuckled.

"Anyways, I need to carry on jogging, I guess I'll see ya later?", Zack said, stretching his legs. I nodded and he gave me a last smile before he ran away.

I put my headphones back in and carried on walking, carried on thinking.

Should I ask Jack what he meant last night? Or should I just ignore it because he was drunk and didn't know what he was talking?

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By the time I got back to the tourbus, the clock read 8am. Everyone was still asleep like i expected. Even Zack was back in his bunk, snoring loud.

I grabbed a water bottle and headed back into my bunk. I turned my iPad on to watch Adventure Time until someones getting up.

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I woke up by hearing my name. I opened my eyes to see Alex' head rested on my mattress.

"Finally you lazy ass", he laughed and i looked on my phone to check the time. 11:03am. I fell asleep again.

"Hey I was the one who got up at 7 and took a 1 hour walk", I said and getting out of my bunk. Alex just looked at me confused.

"Couldn't sleep".

"Naw you looked very alseep just back here", he tapped at my nose.

"That's because I fell asleep again you ass", I murmured but loud enough for him to hear it. He just chuckled as I made my way to the front lounge where the others where.

"Morning", I said and plopped down next to Rian on the couch, having Jack on my opposite. He just looked down at his phone.

"Morning", everyone greeted back.

"Hey where were you last night? Haven't seen you once", my brother asked me.

"Uh, I kind of walked around the whole time", I told him. "When are you guys playing?", I asked, not giving him the chance to ask more.

"Two hours", Zack answered my question while making himself one of his protein shakes that make him even more fit. I rolled my eyes at the fact that Alex woke me up without any reason.

"What do you wanna have for breakfast?", I turned to my right to face my smiling brother.

"I'm not hungry", i shrugged.

"Liz", he warned. "Rian", i mimicked him, trying not to laugh.

"Eat at least an apple", he said quietly. I rolled my eyes and got up to get an apple. I sighed when I sat down again, nibbling at my apple.

I know Rian was just doing what the doctors told him to do but it was still annoying. I had lots of troubles with eating and it got to the point where I had to see a doctor. It's still hard for me to it regularly but I try my best. I wanna accept my body and feel comfortable in it even though it's really difficult.
Rian is watching exactly what I eat or if i even eat ever since then.

"Who gets food?", Alex asked, looking over to Matt. "I'm busy at the moment with preparing everything for later", he told him and Alex pouted.

"The last two who raises their hands have to go", Alex practically screamed and everyone raised their hands as fast as they could. I wasn't fast enough because I was having an apple in one hand and my phone in my other hand. Dammit.

I looked up and saw that Jack was the last peron who raised their hand because he was being busy on his phone.

"Liz and Jack", Rian said and I groaned.

"So are the rules, deal with it Liz", Alex smirked and I got up.

"Jack?", I looked down at him. He looked up and smiled at me. "Coming", he said and got up.

My chance to ask him about last night.

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