Chapter 6

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So I decided I'll give this story another chance because before I started it I had so many good ideas for it, I just have to get into it and then it will be amazing ok? Ok.

We arrived at Warped. A hot breeze hit my skin as I stepped out. I actually hate summer because that means you can't hide yourself in big hoodies and long coats. But I also can't really handle the heat.
I still feel really uncomfortable with people seeing my scars. I can't stand the looks on the guy's faces when they see them, they look sad and kind of disappointed, especially Rian because he gives himself the fault for everything that happened back then even though it's not his fault, it's mine.

I went into a random directions, not even paying attention where exactly I was going.

"Liz?", a familiar voice called out my name, but I couldn't define it.

So I turned around to where the voice came from, seeing Vic Fuentes standing there.

"Vic", I smiled and ran over to him. He hugged me thight and I hugged him back.

We pulled away after a while, smiling at each other.

"Haven't seen my little Liz in like ages. How have you been?", he said with a gently look on his face.

"Better", was all I said. He was one of the people that has helped me through the hard times of my life and I'm thankful for that. 

He smiled slightly. "And you?", I asked him.

"Good! We had amazing tours and our new Album just came out. Everything's pretty awesome for our band right now", he told me proud.

"Good to hear", i smiled at him.

"Wanna meet the other guys? I bet they will be happy to see you again, too", he asked me and I nodded.

I followed him into the Pierce The Veil tourbus and Tony, Mike and Jaime looked up from the couch in the front lounge where they were sitting.

"Liz? Is this really you?", Jaime said and stood up. I nodded with a grin.

He came to me and hugged me, followed by Tony and Mike.

"You changed a lot", Tony noticed and the others nodded.

"Well it's been like 2 years?", I said and laughed.

"You stay here for a bit okay? We have a lot stuff to catch up, as you said, it's been 2 years", Jaime said. I agreed and we all sat down, starting to talk and doing random things.

It's good to be back here.

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