Chapter 29

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Jack and I have been watching random stuff on the TV, cuddled and had a few make out sessions for a few hours now. I was enjoying my time with him. I never thought that this would happen but it made me happy.
I was lying next to him on the couch and was about to fall asleep as I heard the bus door open. I felt wide awake immediately and poked Jack with my ellbow.
"They're back", I whispered to him and he groaned which caused me to giggle a little. He gave me a kiss on my head, unwrapped his arms from my body and sat up.
I stood up and went to the front lounge where everyone was, Jack following me.

"Hey guys", I greeted them and laughed at the drunken mess in front of me.

"You're alright?", Rian asked me and I nodded. I was more than alright.
"Are you feeling better?", he turned his head to Jack. At first I was wondering what he meant but then I remembered that Jack told them that he wasn't feeling well so he could go back to the bus. I'm glad he did.

"Yeah, don't know what was up earlier", Jack answered him with a shrug.
"What were you two doing while we were out?", Rian asked curious and I sighed. Are we having an Q&A right now or what?

"We were just watching TV", I said casually and Jack nodded.

"Okay I'm going to bed, good night", he said, gave me a kiss on my forehead and went to his bunk.
Everyone else said good night too and disappeared in their bunks. Well.

"Are you tired?", Jack asked me and put his hand on my cheek. I actually felt tired but I wasn't sure if I could fall asleep. I have this almost every night; My eyes always feel heavy and I was tired but it would take me hours to fall asleep. Or I keep waking up at night and I couldn't fall back asleep.
I used to take differenr sleeping pills but they all never really helped so I stopped using them. It sucked.

"Yes", I said because he looked tired and I didn't want him to stay awake because of me. "Do you wanna sleep alone or share a bed with me?", he asked with a little smirk on his face.

"Well I think we're gonna be awake before everyone else tomorrow so it should be no problem. Let's share a bed", I smirked but laughed at myself.
He smiled and took my hand, leading us to his bunk and opened the curtain. I went in first and layed down, he did the same. I were both lying on our sides so we are facing each other.

"Are you feeling okay?", he asked while putting a blanket over us. I nodded, feeling kinda nervous.
He moved even closer and pit his hand on my waist. I tensed up a bit and I think he noticed because moved away, with a sympathetic smile.
Why was I like this? I felt comfortable when we were on the couch, so why was I tensing up right now? I tried to relax and it worked.

"It's fine", I said and put my arm on his arm. "Sorry", I whispered.
"No, don't be. Just tell me when I make you feel uncomfortable, it's okay", he said. Okay he is adorable.
I moved close to him and snuggled into him. "You make me feel anything but uncomfortable", I said shyly into his chest and he put his arms around me again. This felt great, I've never realized how much I wanted this.

"I should have done this way earlier", he said. "What?", I asked, not really sure what he meant.

"Telling you how I feel", he said.
"Yes you should have", I said and breathed a laugh.

"Well now I did and I'm glad I did. Good night, Lizzy", he said and I looked up. He placed his lips on mine and let them there for a few seconds.
"Night", i said and buried my face in his chest again. I breathed in his scent, which I loved, and closed my eyes.

I still can't believe what happened. Did Jack really tell ne that he likes me? I mean, he could have any girl he wants, so why me? I'm nothing special. I swear if he's messing around with me.. Before I could think about it more I felt myself drive off to sleep.

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