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"Madam?" A nudge to my side. Gentle. Like they feared hurting me. Avalon was asleep, or still unconscious in my head. Shit. Whoever this was, it was up to me to deal with. I opened one eye briefly. I was laying on grass, no sign of the river or water that had to have carried us here."Apologies madam. I found you by the river and carried you to higher ground, I fear I can not carry you any farther."

I quickly regarded the creature speaking to me before closing my eye again to feign sleep. A living breathing gnome was not what I expected to see. Short stature, exaggerated ears, long eyebrows. Avalon would have had no idea what was in front of us. I knew. The stink of magic strong around him. Gnomes did love to collect magic trinkets. Or serve someone with access to magic.

I hadn't spent eons waiting in the realm of Discordia and Oizys to find a soul to balance me only to waste my first chance at life. I had struggled and persevered against the will of Cultivation and Life to remember all I had learned while waiting. I was the first of my kind, the last new shifter from the last universe. All other forms having come into being already. Hybrids were never given a chance. Others had tried before me. Wanting their chance at joining the wheel of cultivation, of knowing life. All my brothers and sisters had been snuffed out too soon. 

I needed to remember. Avalon knew nothing, I kept my secrets to keep her safe. Avalon was Avalon, a smart, passionate woman who knew what was right and what was wrong. Avalon was good. I had to think and make choices like Avalon while she recovered. "Madam I can tell you are awake." The gnome said impatiently. Apparently not impressed that he was looking at one of the only living hybrids on the planet.

I rolled to my feet. Stretching. Carefully assessing how badly injured we were. Pawing at my face and head. My antlers were still in place. Thankfully. I think a few ribs were damaged, they would hopefully heal quickly. Otherwise, I seemed to be mostly unharmed. Aside from many bruises and small scrapes. Except inside my heart. Mine and Avalon's emotions were brambles. Avalon wasn't sleeping peacefully. Her mind was full of nightmares. I hadn't ever meant to tell her that her father had tried to kill us. I didn't want to hurt her like that. Thinking he had left her had devastated her, knowing he had tried to kill her; I had messed up.

I opened one eye again to regard the gnome more closely. Avalon and I had no clothes for her human body. All our supplies were gone, including the sat phone, compass, everything useful. We had nothing. My sweet girl would not enjoy waking up naked in front of a gnome. The gnome looked like, well honestly he looked like Avalon when she worked at the university. Ready to read until he fell asleep in a book in tight constricting clothes. Far too many layers to move freely. He certainly wasn't dressed for where we were. He had to have a home nearby.

I sat up in front of the gnome. At an utter loss for what to do next. I needed to go somewhere private. I needed to be able to speak with Avalon. I had to explain without her having a panic attack. I hadn't meant to get mad at her. She was scared, and I had reacted by lashing out.

I was making a mess of everything. I just wanted to protect Avalon, keep us safe. To have a life We needed food, shelter, clothes. None of which I could currently communicate to the gnome in front of me.

"Good morning madam," He greeted me again now that I was awake and upright. "My name is Rutherford, the master sent me to assist you. Are you injured?" I shook my head, hesitantly. Not trusting the gnome farther than I could throw him in this body. The gnome nodded. "Very good, follow me. A chamber is being prepared with everything you and your other form should require. Sire is most eager to finally make your acquaintance." The gnome began to amble over the grass at a leisurely pace. In the direction where the scent of magic seemed to be originating. Whoever Rutherford's master was, I was not eager to meet them.

The gnome did not seem put off or excited by me. Which meant he had heard of hybrids, maybe even seen another one. Or this could be a trap and I would be killed at our destination. My plan was to take advantage of the offered hospitality. Real or fake. I would take my due, then take care of Avalon then make a run for it. Avalon had no experience with any Fae. She didn't even think magic beyond shifting was real. I needed to get her out of here before we both got tangled in a Fae plot or trap.

Having no alternative options for food, clothes and shelter. I reluctantly followed Rutherford. It seemed we had reached the woods Avalon had been excited to see. A real, boreal old growth, undisturbed forest. Unlike yesterday when nature had been quiet, life was singing here.

Myriad birds were calling through the dense canopy of trees. Squirrels and chipmunks chattering on the branches. Countless hares running among the raised roots of trees and through low bushes and scrub.

I came to a stop as I crested a hill. I had seen the map. Avalon had always made sure to explain where we were heading and what we would see. There should be nothing but woods here. Instead I found myself looking at a busy castle yard. Really a small town, livestock penned or grazing in the nearby field. Crafts people hard at work in the courtyard. An intimidating stone castle, with carved grotesque wolf like gargoyles carved into every corner. This wasn't supposed to be here. This shouldn't be here.

"Madam, come along." Rutherford encouraged me to keep moving. I really did not like this madam business. Beggars lost in the woods can't be choosers so I followed him. Betsy's voice echoing the parable lesson in my head. Carefully regarding where the exits were, taking stock of those working in the courtyard. I could scent wolf shifter's, see many gnomes. No humans, no other Fae that I could tell. Gnomes and wolves was a rather odd pairing to find living together.

There were younglings of several species working together to mind ducks, geese, chickens and goats. I saw wash women by giant laundry tubs scrubbing by hand with fingers gone wrinkled from the water. I could smell lye and soap being made. Saw wood workers finishing a chair and could feel the heat of the kitchens as we walked past the large open door.

No one seemed to pay attention to me. Not one of the strange citizens of this castle paused what they were doing to look at me. No one pointed, I heard no whispers as I walked through the busy, crowded yard. My ears lowered. Something felt wrong. "Fear not madam, the master foretold of your arrival and let his people know to expect you and treat you with the same respect they would show his lordship." I felt like Rutherford intended his words to calm my nerves. It had the opposite effect instead.

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