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I was dreaming. Walking down the cold stone floor towards Rama barefoot. Wearing the same dress I had worn the first night. I touched my hair, it was free flowing down my back in undulating waves, the golden headband I had worn once back on my head. I had already been walking when I arrived, I looked up, Rama. Sat in his chair. Looking at me with hunger I could see from here. I walked faster. Faster, hitching up my skirt to run. The beautiful smile I already loved brightening up his face.

“Lady Avalon, lovely to meet you here.” He said. A slight ominous edge to his tone. “Please, sit.” He was being so formal. Uptight and full of secrets like our first meeting. The words were different. I was different. The strange uncanny similarities to our first meeting were odd. 

I did as strange dream Rama asked, more for my curiosity than anything else. This was the strangest dream I had ever had. Everything felt so real. I felt so real. Like I was really here and really me. Rama snapped his fingers and our magical dream meal began. “Did Rutherford explain the history of the Nightshade band you wear?” He asked. I looked at him quizzically. 

A dream only knew what I knew. Or my mind made it up. “No. Rutherford smiled, briefly. He didn’t want me to catch him though." Rama laughed. Loud and hard with true joy and mirth. I loved it, Rama laughing filled this cavernous hall with warmth.

“Rutherford probably didn’t want to jinx anything by voicing a wish out loud, the romantic old fool.” Rama looked at me, licking his lips after his last bite. I wanted him. I wanted to taste his lips. I could feel the bond. Dream Rama was enough to stir it to life. 

“Dead kittens, working as a waitress on a busy Saturday night, oh god anything from today.” I said closing my eyes. To rid my mind of any lusty thoughts. If I was in control here, I was not having a sex dream while my mom held me after a full panic attack.

“What on earth are you talking about?” Rama said, interrupting my arousal killing loop.” I opened my eyes. Rama was looking at me, with an expression I had never seen on his face. Odd, I didn’t think dreams could really just make something new that perfectly.

“This is a dream, one where I seem to be in control, and I am not having a sex dream right now.” I said, this was a dream. Nothing mattered here. This was all just in my mind. I was in control.

Rama snapped his fingers, I opened my cloche to reveal a giant plate of greasy, crispy french fries, sparkling with salt crystals. I dipped into little ramekin of condiment and tasted the first one, I tasted rich creamy garlic aioli. My favorite guilty snack. A small shaker appeared on the table. I grabbed it and seasoned it over the fries. Fine red power scattered over the perfect fries. I tasted another. Smoked paprika. A hotter one. A perfect snack, one I had made myself frequently. I kept snacking, looking at Rama. Unable to take my eyes off him. It was like he was real. This dream was so perfect.

“The crown you chose yesterday was one I made for the woman I intended to be my queen. She rejected me with a curse. I was a wolf, who loved a goddess with such fever that I traded the lives of my pack to be able to change into the form of the god. I made a deal with the wrong entity.” I stopped. Focusing on Rama. as he continued his story.

“For my betrayal I was cursed to spend eternity guarding the space between. For the lives I had taken, I was cursed to never feel my original wolf form again. Instead I could wear the form I had traded everything to have, or a misshapen monster in between my given nature, and my stolen one.” I remembered what I had seen last night. My imagination must be filling in my insatiable need to know everything with something like a plausible story. I had always had a slight knack for stories. Writing had been a hobby, turning various research sources into a new theory by seeing links was part of my job. My heart was so desperate for Rama it was making a better than memory version of him for me to enjoy in my dream.

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