That was a lot easier than I expected.

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You ask what sign she is
And you find that you're compatible
You realise how fine she is
She's just what you've been looking for

Schools across Ninjago were closed for a few days following the collapse of the Cursed Realm as many students and teachers alike needed a bit of time off. Sensei Wu, Misako and [M/n] told the Ninja to use these days off school wisely, suggesting that they rest and sleep as much as possible.

Despite being the one who probably needed sleep the most, Lloyd refused and spent all his time at [Y/n]'s side, also ignoring her when she told him to sleep.

"Fine, if you won't go to sleep will you come visit Olly with me?" [Y/n] asked, twirling a piece of Lloyd's hair around her finger.

"Yes, I will. Let's go." He responded, jumping off the couch in the monastery's gaming room.

They borrowed one of Nya's bikes and drove over to Jamanakai Children's Hospital. Lloyd parked and they walked into the hospital with their helmets at their sides. People inside immediately began to glare at Lloyd, their scornful whispers broadcast into his ears thanks to his super hearing. He looked down at his feet, analysing each stitch in the fabric as he tried to block out the hateful words thrown his way.

[Y/n] held his hand, squeezing it lightly after hearing one of the less subtle insults being hissed by a cleaner. They got into the elevator, luckily with no one else, and rode it up to Olly's ward. The nurse at the front desk was seemingly one of the only staff members in the hospital that wasn't a Lloyd Garmadon hater, as she greeted them both with a smile and a wave.

"[Y/n], are you here to see Olly?" She asked.

"Yeah, I know I'm a little early for visiting but we could wait-"

"No, it's okay [Y/n]. Olly's had all his tests and checks, so you two are fine to go in."

"Thank you."

[Y/n] knocked on the doorway, alerting her father to their presence. "[Y/n]! Lloyd! You're both okay!" He stood up and brought the pair into a hug, "I saw you both on the news, [Y/n], the gi suits you so well."

"Thanks dad," [Y/n] smiled, moving over to change the flowers, "Has Olly improved at all?"

Her dad deflated a little, staring out the window, "No... Not yet..."

[Y/n] felt her heart break a little more, "I was hoping he'd wake up before his birthday..." She mumbled, dropping the wilted roses in the bin.

Lloyd awkwardly cleared his throat to get [D/n]'s attention, "Have you tried Lyashino Geijutsu Tea? It always works when we get injured during a mission."

[D/n]'s face lit up, "We haven't... I know you guys just got here, but can you go buy some? I'll pay you back, Lloyd."

[Y/n] also perked up, "Do you think it'll help?"

Lloyd nodded, "I know where Uncle Wu gets it from, and don't worry about paying me back [D/n], uhm, Sir."

[Y/n] and her father chuckled at Lloyd, [Y/n] jumped up on her boyfriend's back kissing his cheek aggressively. "LES GO!"

"Okay, okay!"

She then ran over to her father and hugged him, "We'll be right back!"

[Y/n] grabbed Lloyd's hand and bolted down the halls of the hospital, both too excited by this revelation to care about the cruel looks and shouts following them. They hopped back on Nya's bike and sped off to Mistaké's tea shop. Soon they arrived at the shop-filled alley at the edge of Ninjago city, skidding to a halt outside of the shop.

[[  On Hiatus ]]'I found you!' [ Lloyd x reader ] Ninjago red string Au.Where stories live. Discover now