The small children are annoying.

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I am aware it's just a movie
I am aware it's a cliché
I am aware I'm being stupid
I'm aware of that, but hey
This is just something that I gotta do

[Y/n] used the rest of the week they had off school to plan Olly's surprise party. She was happy to hear that the Ninja and her parents were on board with her idea and helped spitball some ideas.

"Should we reveal our identities to him?" Nya asked one day while they were all hanging out at the Tudor Rose Coffee Shop.

"God no. The entirety of Ninjago would know in a week, that kid is terrible at keeping his mouth shut," [Y/n] took a sip of her drink, "Once we were planning a surprise party for my mum, and he goes up to her and asks if she's excited about her secret party."

Nya laughed, "Okay, no un-masking. Got it."

The day of Olly's birthday arrived, and a few of his friends from school came over to see him for the first time in months. They did the usual little kid stuff, except they altogether avoided the corner of the room where [Y/n] and Lloyd were sitting. Olly eventually convinced his friends that Lloyd wasn't a bad guy, and they would occasionally wander over to ask them some questions before running off to play again.

"Do you have evil powers like your dad?" The kid wearing a Ninja force tee asked.

"No, I don't have any powers. I'm just a plain, normal guy." Lloyd answered, secretly winking at [Y/n].

"Oh! Oh! Do you have four arms too?" A child with fire-themed braids asked.

Lloyd lifted his two arms above his head, "Just the two, I wouldn't be able to wear normal clothes if I had four."

"My brother said that you work for your dad." A child with two party hats stated.

"Uh- Who wants cake?" [Y/n] asked loudly, the party guests cheering and rushing over to the table.

Lloyd thanked her silently, his eyes filled with sorrow. Children were a tough one, they were only repeating what their elders had taught them and for that, he couldn't blame them... but it still hurt.

He joined [Y/n] in the kitchen, helping her light the candles with some secret power usage. They sang happy birthday and Olly blew out his candles, his eyes clenched tightly as he made his wish.

Olly's friends would be leaving at 5 pm, so the Ninja needed to make their appearance slightly before then. [Y/n] and Lloyd left to "buy some more ice cubes" at 4:30.

"Lloyd?" [Y/n] grabbed onto his hand, their fingers interlocking.

"Yeah?" Lloyd responded, opening the door to the roof.

"I'm sorry about Olly's friends, I didn't-"

"It's okay, I've heard worse." Lloyd smiled, giving her a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

They got changed into their Gi's on the roof, awkwardly ducking and fumbling around to avoid being seen. The other Ninja met them on the roof, and they made their way into the party.

The group of children erupted in excited chatter and cheers when they walked in, except for Olly who stared silently in awe. The Ninja began the over-the-top, children's entertainer's spiel. They were making a fuss over the birthday boy, who eventually warmed up to them and wouldn't leave Kai's side.

The children cornered [Y/n] and quizzed her, asking her hundreds of questions about her powers.

"It's a little hard to explain, so I'll just show you guys." [Y/n] said, lifting a few of the children up with her purple telekinesis.

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