Chapter 18

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"I'm alive!!!! " suga shouted as soon he reached the living room where everybody except sakusa and atsumu were present. Not waiting for the grey head omega to comfortably sit, the other omegas and nora rushed to hug him. Smiling fondly at the people in his arms, suga hugged them and release some motherly like pheromones making the three happily comfortable.

He greeted everyone with a smile and apologized for his behavior the other day making the alphas coo at his cuteness but due to the death glare they were receiving from daichi they panicked and quickly reassured suga that the problem was alreasdy solved making the Omega chuckle.

"I guess my baby tsumu is going through the five day of hell with sakusa" suga said when he noticed the two absense. "Let his ass rest in peace" oikawa laughed out saying immediately earning a hit on the head from Iwaizumi. He frowned rubbing the area he was hit before pouting.

"Hey hey hey!!! "

Bokuto shouted entering the living gaining everyone's attention. "Agaashi is having a small fever and he requested that you all stay here and not meet him" he quickly stated as soon he reached were suga and the others was. "Why's he always like this? " kenma mumbled before smiling warmly.

Suga sighed before looking at bokuto who was greeting the other alphas. Akaashi must've forced him out the room because he doesn't want him to catch the cold..... You black adorable owl.


"I want to see mister panda!!!! "

"Nora you can't right now, it's dangerous out there"

"Aren't you super strong?! You can protect us! "

"Azumane Nora I said weren't going "

It was currently 2:02 p.m. Suga, oikawa and Asahi were in the garden having a little talk when nora barged in dragging an anxious kenma with him. He took the book from kenma who was gasping for air and showed his father the animals in it and explained how he wanted to witness their presence in real life, but Asahi only sighed and ignored him, which led to nora to started fussing and arguing about going to see pandas and other cute animals.

"But daddy!! Mommy's always busy and is always exhausted when he's back from work and whenever I asked him to carry me instead, he'll always give me sad face! So why can't you bring me!! " he shouted angrily as tears started to form in his bright honey brown eyes. "Nora I already explained to you that it's dangerous out there for you so you can't go" Asahi explained before sighing. But little Nora didn't took it lightly and started crying. The three omegas flinched at the Nora's sudden outburst and instinctively went to his care. But as they were about to comfort the boy he started shouted at his father.

"I hate you!! Why can't I enjoy stuffs like others kids do?! Why am I different than them?! Huh dad?! I can't even see mommy again because of you! "

Asahi glared at his son who immediately shut his mouth. He stood up and walked to Nora who was shaking because of his father's angry pheromones. When he was in front of the boy, he crouched to the boys height before flicking his forehead.

"How many times have I told you not to bother your mother when he's back from work? " Nora flinched. He's never seen his father this angry before. Normally he would've sent him to a room or bring him to his uncles if he's like this but today today was different. Nora gulped. He was too scared to answer.

"Boy I'm talking to you? Weren't you just fussing seconds ago? " Asahi asked coldy making Nora tense. "I-I'm s-sorr-ry " Nora stuttered out shaking. Asahi sighed. He picked up his son and hugged him tightly which eventually made Nora burst in tears once more.

Kenma and oikawa watched the scene in front of them, stunned. They've never seen an angry Asahi an d to witness such scene made them feel weirdly happy. While suga, he was smiling at the scene fondly while subconsciously patting kenma and oikawa's head.

After about 15 minutes, they were back seated with Nora napping on Asahi. The Omega's cooed at the sight and couldn't help but take quick snaps of the sleeping boy.

"Noya is sick right now, with Nora not seeing his mother is kind of hard. " Asahi started explaining before gently caressing his son's face. "Nora being an alpha and noya and Omega, he's very protective with his mother " he said sighing after but smiled when he looked at the three omegas. "I want to see him soo badly but I can't, ironically, I want to curse and cry out loud for my mate who's probably in pain, but who's gonna be the one to comfort the little one. " he said smiling sadly.

"DeJa vu" suga mumbled to himself before chuckling. He stood up before caressing Nora's face and ruffling Asahi's hair. "You're a great father Asahi, to be honest, if I was in your shoe I would've gone crazy, but look at you. A perfect example of a good person"

Asahi blushed embarrassed before smiling at suga. "You guys are gonna be an awesome mothers" Asahi suddenly blurted out making the omegas blushed crimson red. Not noticing his action, he stood up and left the the embarrassed and flushed omegas.

"Why are y'all red? Are you guys having a fever as well? "

"Kasshi!!!" The three shouted and rushed to the akasshi who opened his arms welcoming his friends. They all hugged and giggled.

"I'm hungry"

"What a way to ruin the moment ken ken"

"What I'm really hungry"

They laughed before making their ways back inside.


"Agaashiiiiii" bokuto screamed as soon he saw akasshi, who stood up abruptly to welcome his mate. "Hi bokuto" akaashi muttered out while being engulfed by bokuto's arms. Suga smiled at the scene before he was slapped on the ass by daichi. He gasped glared at the alpha who chuckled at his reaction. "You buff bastard, that hurt y'know" sugar scoffed lightly punching daichi who laughed. He went behind suga and wrapped his hands around the younger's neck while resting his head on top of suga's.

"What's wrong? " suga sudden asked the alpha who slightly flinched at the sudden question. He smiled before ruffling the grey head hair, kissing him on the forehead and sighed. Seeing this reaction worried the omegas. 

"As of tomorrow.... We'll be leaving for a week" Iwaizumi announced shocking the omegas. "What?! What do you mean for a week?? " oikawa asked stunned at the announcement his mate just said. They all sighed and groaned simultaneously worrying their mates more. "It is said that we have a bastard to hunt, he's a bit hard to find due to our information being leaked"

Everyone once again was shocked. "Our information... Has been leaked..that impossible" kenma said in disbelief. Never in his 20 years of living did he ever witness such a bomb on him. "Yeah yeah everyone's surprise, but we gotta hurry and get rid of him before he sell our info" kuroo informed, comforting kenma who's still shocked at the news.


Everyone turned to look at suga and akaashi who eyes immediately changed from calm to murderous. "Bingo! We do have a traitor here, but due to the lack of evidence,we don't know who's the son of a bitch" bokuto said calmly releasing his pheromones to cool his mates.

"No rush everyone, sooner or later we'll find who's the traitor and believe me..... Not even the devil can be this ruthless when I'm done with dem"

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