Chapter 21

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They were split in two teams, bokuto and daichi on one team while sakusa, Iwaizumi and Kuroo is on the other. They have their different role to play, bokuto and daichi getting the rats while Kuroo and the others find the omegas as well as getting rid of the " roaches ".

Bokuto and daichi was currently on the third floor of the mansion suppose to be meeting Asahi there. Instead of running, they were walking. Quite calmly and slowly too. They were actually having a conversation while calmly killing the roaches in their way.

"There he is!! That's the bitch daichi and bokuto! " one of the roaches shouted alarming his companions who started reloading their gun to take action, but began getting confused.

Why are they calm?
Aren't they angry?
What the fuck are they really the don?
Fuck why am I getting scared?

Question after question. They were slowly getting irritated and annoyed at the two alphas. But when they finally get to hear what their convo were, they stare in disbelief.

"Who would've thought suga would dominate you in bed! " Boruto screamed out laughing making daichi frown at him. "Shut the fuck up, that sweet face angel there is actually a demon in disguise" daichi said before sighing at the memories of suga's heat. "He even threatened me saying he'll cut of my dick if don't satisfy him good"

The intruders were too stunned to speak. They were witnessing the strongest mafia being laughed down by his follower. Losing their focus, daichi and bokuto only walked pass them as if they weren't there. Feeling inferior, they started shooting at the two who without a doubt did the same.

"Go" daichi ordered bokuto and not waiting a second, bokuto left his side smirking running towards the roaches. He grabbed his knives from his waist and threw them with his strength not creating any time for the roaches to react, killing them in the spot. He whistled seductively when his target fell and smirked once again, but dark.

Within the next 15 minutes, all the roaches were exterminated not leaving any scratch on bokuto. "Aren't you improving? " daichi complemented bokuto. He respond by smiling proudly at his boss before fist bumping, leaving the scene.

"Why are you guys just reaching now? " Asahi asked annoyed with his hands on his hips. He fought almost a whole army on his own but wasn't wounded severely. Daichi smirked, he knew Asahi could've demolished the whole mansion clean with only his fist but due to his consciousness for his mate he backed down.

"Did you catch the rats? " bokuto asked looking behind Asahi and furiously started releasing his pheromones. Daichi automatically did the same as he saw his secretary tied up on the floor with pleading teary eyes. He looked at her with pure disgust which made her started crying.

"You backstabbing bitch, you're lucky I can't put my hands on you" bokuto scoffed saying while crouching to reach michimiya's height. Then without hesitation, michimiya spat on bokuto's face earning a strong slap across her face, almost sending her flying. "You fucker! Not even my mate does this"

"And so what?! Does it look like I give a fuck?! You should feel ashamed!! Sleeping with some sl—"

A kick was sent to her face bruising it up as well to her stomach. She started coughing out blood as tears form their way to her eyes. She looked up furious but that only lasted when her met the red ones of bokuto. Her body automatically started trembling as she cowers. Instantly removing her eyes from his.

"Asahi grab her up and put her in the basement in area two along with that bastard" daichi commanded Asahi who nodded.
"And what about "him"? "  Asahi asked looking at michimiya who looked at him surprised.

They knew all along?!

"Iwaizumi will deal with him, it's funny how naoto is obsessed with akaashi" daichi mentioned as he turned his attention to bokuto who's already staring at him. He looked pissed and annoyed, expression bokuto hardly wears. "Repeat what you said? Naoto was the other rat? The one after my keiji? "

Asahi gulped. Bokuto was normally seeing as the careless peace and mood maker in the mafia institution, but when he's angry, he's a complete different person that even daichi himself admits he's intimidated by him. As daichi nodded his head bokuto staring intoxicate the whole Hall with his pheromones. His eyes changing from gold to deep shade of red.

"Daichi, Asahi. Let's go"


"You're?!!!! For real!! " atsumu shouted excited at noya who was giggling. "Yup I'm currently weeks pregnant" noya announced smiling making the Omega's coo. "I'm happy for you " suga said fondly while smiling at the older Omega who chuckled adorably.

Hearing noya's announcement of being pregnant made the Omegas anxiety that they had before magically disappeared. They were too occupied paying full focus noya's stomach while gently stroking it. Seeing the scene in front of him, akaashi could only sigh before smiling, subconsciously stroking his flat stomach.

Suga saw akaashi's action and smiled. "I guess I'm not the only one" he mumbled to himself placing his hands on his stomach. "I can bet I'll be pregnant!! Omi kun didn't use protection and fucked me til I couldn't even walk" Atsumu expressed out proudly holding his stomach. Suga and akaashi stared at their friend who was shamelessly laughing and thought the same thing.

"I guess it's the three of us"




They all flinched and went on guard when they heard the sudden banging on the basement door. Atsumu looked at suga and akaashi and they all nodded together. Atsumu grabbed up both kenma and oikawa and walked to the direction noya and Nora was. He used his eyes to signal them to follow him to the back of the room.

Seeing that they were out of sight, akaashi and suga looked at each other, and smiled. As they were about to open the door they tensed simultaneously.

"Isn't that Naito's scent? " akaashi whisper to suga who nodded confused. "Why is naito here? Isn't he suppose to be with Asahi and the others? But what didn't add up was..... How'd he knows we're here? "

Akaashi instinctively grabbed suga and pulled him as the door burst open. The Omegas were stunned. There stood naito with some people they've never seen in their life. Seeing the Omegas stunned expression naito smirked evilly, especially at akaashi.

"So you're the other rat" akaashi glared looking at the beta in disbelief. "It doesn't matter what you call me or think but today's the day I'll get rid of each and one of you, especially the Dons"
He stated with confidence while smirking.

Akaashi sighed before getting up. He looked at naito and looked at the roaches behind him. " 15 in all" he whispered to suga who's hands where in his pockets. He was ready and waiting for suga's signal so he could begin the fight but froze when he heard the words that left naito's mouth.

"Akaashi Keiji the omega of Bokuto Kotarou.... Why not be with me instead?"

Goosebumps was all filled akaashi's skin at the moment. He felt pure disgust at the beta in front of him. Seeing the Omegas reaction naito smiled. He suddenly ripped open his clothes showing a large tattoo on his chest, and that was all it took for the Omegas to want to run.

It was the same one in the video they saw weeks ago. Sniffing the air he could smell the uneasiness and fear in the Omegas scents. "You fucking psycho" suga shouted, disgusted at the psycho bastard in front if him. The only thing he could do right now was stand in front of akaashi as a shield to protect him.

"Shut the fuck up you shut! It's his fault he caught my attention being this beautiful! " naito screamed out pointing at akaashi.

"Won't you shut the fuck? "

Naito and his roaches tensed at the sudden voice behind them while suga sighed in relief. It was iwaizumi , sakusa and kuroo. "H-How'd you get here s-so fast" naito stuttered panicky as his face turned pale within seconds.

"Wassup lil rat"

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