Chapter 22

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"Yo! Wassup Naito"

Kuroo greeted Naito as he step pass the roaches as if they weren't there. Shiver ran down their spine as they get a whiff of the Don's scents passing by them. Neither of them had the nerve to aim their gun at them due to the fear revolting inside them.

"Where are they?" Iwaizumi asked suga softly. Suga pointed the direction where atsumu and the others were making the three leaving them behind. Before leaving, he whispered in suga's ears

"You can deal with them but don't kill Naito,he's for bokuto"

Suga nodded and looked at his friend beside him, and smirked. Akaashi's eyes were in deep shade of blue, the life in them being completely gone. Tapping him on the shoulders was enough for akaashi as he swiftly took of his hand guns and started running towards the roaches.

"Shhh, someone's coming" atsumu whispered to noya who was hugging nora and the two in heat. "Go but don't hurt yourself okay" atsumu nodded and kiss oikawa and kenma on their forehead before leaving, but as he was about to leave a hand suddenly covered his mouth shocking both him and noya.

Being flexible, he quickly twist his body holding the intruders hand making his legs wrap around the intruders neck. Swinging around with the hand in his grasp, the intruders stumble backward making it easy for atsumu as he grabbed his knife. As the intruder's body fell completely on the floor he didn't wait and immediately went to stab but the intruder grabbed his hand with the knife before it made impact with him.

"Aren't you a badass? "

Atsumu flinched before looking at the intruder's face. He sighed in relief and threw away the knife, hugging his mate sakusa. "You bitch! I couldn't even smell you" atsumu argued punching sakusa in the chest. Sakusa only smiled and hugged back his mate.

'I'm glad you're okay" he whispered thankfully making the omega blush. Atsumu looked ahead of him and saw Iwaizumi with oikawa in his arms. He looked worried for his mate but noya reassured him that he's just exhausted because of the heat. His pheromones intoxicating the room noya gave both omega suppressant to reduce their scents which miraculously worked. Kuroo was kissing kenma's feverish forehead while sighing in relief that he's okay.

"Okay let's get you guys out here" sakusa stated lifting atsumu in his arms before making his way to the entrance where the two Omegas were. "Are Kaashi and suga okay? " atsumu asked worried for his friends and iwaizumi chuckled. " I think It'll be best if you start sympathizing the roaches that are gonna be killed by those twos" he mentioned puzzling atsumu.

"What the fuck" was all atsumu and the alpha could say. What they were witnessing was not just self defensing, but a bloody massacre. Suga and akaashi were no where to be found but they could see a traumatized beta at the corner trembling for dear life.

Iwaizumi looked at Naito who's face is as pale as a vampire at the moment. His fingers were all cut off and his companions were all headless. He realized Naito kept repeating the same phrase over and over again.

"Devil in an angel disguise"
"Devil in an angel disguise"
"Devil in an angel disguise"
"Devil in an angel disguise"

"Oi rat, what happened here? " kuroo asked the beta. He only looked up with tears still running down his face and began apologizing. "I-I didn't meant to do a-all those stuffs t-t-to those o-omegas" he confessed confusing the alphas. Then all of a sudden atsumu started trembling which alerted sakusa.

"H-He's the psycho, the trauma he gave us and the PC" he stuttered out pointing at Naito who was begging. Atsumu was pale. He didn't knew what he was talking about first, but when he saw the huge tattoo similar to the one in the video he automatically remembered. The three alphas were stunned and shocked.

This weakass bitch did such cruel things to the Omegas?

"Lets go, we need to find the other two" iwaizumi announced grabbing the trembling Naito making his way to the main mansion.


"Keiji calm down! " suga shouted at his friend who is killing anything in sight. He kissed him teeth and ran after him once more. He was getting exhausted and annoyed.

If it weren't for that psycho bastard—" he mumbled irritated before dodging a knife that was sent flying his direction. Not having much time to react, he turned his head and saw a gun in his face. They were about to pull the trigger when akaashi sent a knife flying at person in front of suga.

The person groaned dodging the incoming knife, giving suga time to aim his gun at the unknown person, but as he was about to pull the trigger, a hand grabbed him.

"Suga and daichi!!

The two froze and looked at the voice who called them out. "You dumbasses wanna kill each other's?! bokuto shouted scolding the two.

Suga was puzzled. Was he not closer to bokuto? He couldn't smell their scent at all. Being lost in thought, daichi engulfed him in a tight hug making the omega blush. "I swear you owe me one" suga mumbled to his mate before returning the hug.

Suga was about to greet Asahi when he saw a figure of someone he didn't wanted to meet. Seeing her face was enough to piss him off. He walked towards her direction and kicked her across the face. Everyone was surprised at suga sudden action but was once again surprised when akaashi kicked her as well, in the face.

"You jealous wannabe cunt, look what you've done. Did you think you would accomplish daichi heart if you've done this? Not only this but killing Omegas behind their back

Hearing those words was enough to make her break down into tears. She glared at suga with pure hatred in her eyes.

"It's your fault!! You took him away from me! " she shouted at suga as if he's really took something precious from her. She immediately shuts up when akaashi gave her a death glare. Suga looked at her with no signs of sympathy before crouching to her height.

"There's one word I can tell you right now, and it's delusional. Sawamaru Daichi was never yours to begin with and now I see the reason why you weren't put as his partner, because you're a jealous psycho"

Looking in suga's eyes. She finally accepted her defeat. She lowered her head and slammed it on the floor surprising Asahi.
"Just kill me already, there's no worth for me in this world" she muttered out to everyone who was in front of her. This surprised daichi. He walked up to her and stopped just inches away from her head.

"You wanna die? " daichi asked michimiya who nodded looking up at the alpha. "Please just kill me" she begged. Daichi and bokuto laughed simultaneously surprising her.

"Why should we kill you? After all the backstabbing you've done? You think I don't know why you set up the mission that time at our first encounters with the Omegas?

She looked shocked, even suga and akaashi were.

"You set that up because you wanted us to kill them, aren't I correct? But it failed miserably because who would've thought they'll be our mates"

He complexion was slowly turning pale as she listened to daichi and bokuto.

"You even tried poisoning Nishinoya because you felt threatened that he'll take your spot before"

It was now Asahi's turn to be shocked. Processing what he just heard, he glared at the woman on the floor. He was about to kick her but daichi stopped him.

"You won't be dying now, but! I'll make you're life as miserable as it was before. Put her on a private jet, she's going the Russia and call Lev and tell him I have a present for him "

Asahi nodded before dragging her on the cold dirty floor. She was terrified and scared. Hearing that name Lev was enough to know she'll be dying a painful death and knowing so, she started begging for forgiveness.

"N-no please!!!!! Daichi!! I'm sorry!! Please forgive me!! I don't wanna die!! Daichiii please!!! Please!! "

"Well that's one down" bokuto stated hugging akaashi. "Two of em" akaashi said to him surprising daichi and bokuto.

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