Chapter XVI

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"How do you lose an entire body?" Bumblebee cried as he looked at Bulkhead, or what was left of him anyways. Julie sat there on a medical bed that was cushioned. Allowing her to sit on it since it was one of the few things not with iron. "Especially one your size, it's like losing a planet or something."

"I don't know, I'm just standing there and then I feel this sudden shock and nothing. Could this day get any worse?" Bulkhead explained.

"Don't worry Bulkhead, the police are already looking for your...body. We're on our way to help. Bumblebee, you stay here and take care of Bulkhead." Optimus spoke as she sat there on the ledge, starting to really miss her wings in the process.

"No problem, little buddy." Bumblebee replied as he pat Bulkhead on the back of his head.

"Oh, it just got worse." Bulkhead groaned.

"Julie, you're riding with me. Autobots, transform and roll out." Optimus ordered as he shifted into his alt mode. Ratchet quickly gave her a hand to get down, since she didn't have her wings anymore, as she walked across and hopped into Prime's cabin. She went ahead and grabbed the seatbelt, sliding it over herself, as the door closed behind her. She was not going to talk to him, she refused to. Even though it was a good couple of hours ago, due to them looking for Ironhide, by the time that they found him it was like they all forgot about her and how she had gotten mad about everything. She also couldn't figure out who was the most childish between Bulkhead and Bumblebee.

They pulled up at some facility where they found the police, and were all escorted in. Optimus transformed, her on his shoulders, followed by the other autobots, as they saw what was pieces of metal and two broken robots in the middle of the room.

"When I heard what happened to Bulkhead, I suspected my former employee Henry Masterson might have been involved." Professer Sundac explained as he looked at them.

"I'm picking up residual Cybertronian energy. Bulkhead's body was definitely here." Ratchet explained as he examined the area.

"Well, were definitely on the right track. Let's keep moving. This place gives me the creeps." Captain Fanzone replied as they looked at the robots in the room.

"As well asi t should Captain. If Masterson has Bulkhead's body, it cannot possibly be a good thing."

"Good news, were on the trail of Bulkhead's body. We should find it...soon." Optimus spoke on his comlink, letting the others back at base know.

Julie sighed as they decided to follow the trail that Ratchet had found. She couldn't see them, but apparently there were left over footprints of where Bulkhead's body had gone. So with it as the one clue, they followed it through the town, her sitting there and watching as everything went by, but at the same time having a dreadful feeling fill her gut in the process. Something was very wrong and she felt that if she didn't get involved, people were going to be killed, but there was no way she could let Optimus know, or he would never let her help them out. As they passed a nearby screen on a building, it suddenly glitched, getting their attention, before the image changed to show a teenage boy. He was wearing a very weird outfit and he looked like he was in a very tight space.

"Listen up newbs. The headmaster, that's me, has just hacked your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you posers, some real news. This solar fusion power plant is now under my total domination. You have one hour to pay up 700 billion dollars at the long green, delivered personally on the back of Isaac Sundac, or I'll cook up a power overload that will frag the entire state of Michigan. And a little viewing for the learning impaired, domination station, total wasteland. So pay up, or be owned." The man cried as he started to laugh on the screen just before it cut out.

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