Chapter XIX

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It has been two days since she awoke from my coma that she had sustained while recovering. Currently it is now the 18th of December and she was very much aware of the fact that her birthday was only two days away. She hated it. She was also constantly uncomfortable with the fact that every single time she walked around town, people would stare at her. Almost like they were expecting her to pounce on something.

Sometimes she even saw people talking about something to do with her for the past few days, but every time she got closer to them or if they saw her they would immediately shut up. She was very much interested in just turning invisible and listening in to the conversations, but at the same time she just couldn't bring herself to. Even Sari acted weird a few times, like she knew that something was very off. Or she knew something was coming up.

Not to mention Ratchet has been constantly asking her if any of her beyond control powers were acting up lately, like her sense of the future, or her just ability to sense stuff period. She was currently sitting in the base on a sheet of ice she had formed so she could sit down somewhere out of the way and not on top of any iron. Of course people had to meld iron into even concrete, which the majority of the base was made up of concrete or regular iron.

Every time Ratchet asked, she felt like he was worried about something bad happening, but she was already on the watch for any warning of danger whether it be through her spiritual sense or senses of matter, thanks to Alchemist Prime, or if it was through her ability to just see things like the afterlife, or different places or different times thanks to Amalgamous Prime and Alpha Trion. Now that she remembered all the Primes who helped her out and were the ones to give her their powers, she realized that she actually missed them a little bit. Missed being able to talk to the joker of them, Amalgamous, and she missed hearing the guidance from Prima and Solus Prime. What were they doing that was keeping them busy? What was Optimus doing this whole time while she was here? Probably enjoying life in the realm while she was here.

Almost like Optimus knew she was thinking about him, she felt something warm touch her back and sit there for a few seconds, before someone came walking in, distracting her momentarily to just find Optimus and Ratchet looking at the newly installed monitors that were not there before she was out of it. They must have been installed while she was asleep, or what the autobots called 'stasis.'

Remembering what she was thinking about, she tried to feel if that warmth was still there, just to find that it was gone, almost like a brief imagination or memory that was there. There were only three powers that the primes gave her that she had yet to have discovered, as far as she knew, Vector Sigma's ability to master space and time, which as she thought about it could have also ended up including her traveling from one dimension to another, but at the same time she had only done that once and she was aided in that action by the Primes and Primus. Then she had Micronus's power to enhance the abilities of the others around him, which she had no idea how she would do, let alone being aware of the fact he restricted her to using it only for emergencies. Then there was Quintus Prime, who was able to create life and perfect things. No matter how much she knew she would be able to do it, part of her felt like it was something that would be wrong of her to do. She didn't want to feel like the kind of person that was literally making life at the whim of her hands.

"I miss you guys and hope that you are all still there to support me." She mumbled under her breath, just as she heard some yelling.

"Hey, what did you do that for?" Sari cried.

"I was on level two-hundred and thirty." Bumblebee complained as she saw Prowl standing over them.

"Autobots listen up." Optimus ordered. "Teletraan one is picking up a strange Cybertronian energy signal coming from the woods just outside the city."

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