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I've had the same dream for weeks now. There is no denying he's perfect, But each dream is the same he would stand there by his locker. His greasy black, just above the shoulder hair dangles moving with his head. Then his hazel eyes would lock on to mine, he would just stare for a second then look away and walk off down into the hallway like he didn't just stare at me and blush... then I would wake up ether by the sound of my mum and dad slamming the front door heading to work or the school bus horn beeping as the bus would be waiting and the bus driver is very impatient and wouldn't wait around for me to get my sorry lazy ass out of bed, but this time it was different it was like he was saying my name "frank", shocked, I opened my eyes rapidly and jumped up feeling very dizzy after that's when I saw him leaning up against my door frame with a smile on his face, he had a beautiful smile.

"I must be dreaming" I mumbled under my breathe

"No I'm pretty much here, Mikey sent me up to get you" he somehow heard me but why Mikey? Why couldn't he just want to come up to my room and see me, I thought in my head.

"Oh Mikey, that makes sense um you can sit on my bed if you want and I'll go get ready in the bathroom" i said quickly not really thinking what I was saying.

"Thanks but I think I will go back to the car before Mikey gets suspicious" he said laughing

"ye-eah, you're probably right" I said giggling a little, he then walked back down the stairs and as I looked out my window I saw him climb into his car. I wondered what he meant by Mikey getting suspicious like they didn't know I was gay and Gerard was straight, but oh how I wished he wasn't it killed me to think he would grow up to marry a girl and not me but enough for my fantasies I had to clear my head for school, maths test first GREAT!


*Gerard's car*

I walked up to the car slowly, it was an icy day in new jersey so I didn't want to slip up and look like an idiot in front of Gerard as today is the day, after school I was hoping to go round his and confess my feelings for him. I got in the back seat of the car and was greeted by the warm air, I loved the smell in his car, coffee and cigarettes.

"Hello sleeping beauty" Mikey said greeting me and handing me some starbucks coffee and a brownie.

"Thanks mikes" I said taking a sip of the coffee and nibbling on the brownie

"You didn't need to go through all this trouble" I said smiling at him he turned his head to look out the window staring at his old grandma's house, she passed away last year he would do the same every morning and then stay silent until we got to school.

"Actually it was Gerard's idea, he insisted" Mikey said looking back at me

I saw Gerard blush as he looked at me from the front mirror

"Oh well thanks gee " I said smiling at him "it's cool" he mumbled quietly just as we pulled into the school parking lot he parked up and we all jumped out I had hardly drank all my coffee so I decided to drink it in the hallway even though hot drinks weren't allowed and if a teacher caught me I would have a detention but I couldn't careless I hate school. All the jocks bully me. Everyone hates me except the guys: Mikey and ray, I guess you could add Gerard in there but we don't really talk, he's Mikey's older brother who is leaving this shit whole soon. Mikey tells me he has been accepted in an art school in New York that's all he really does is,draw. He's not the social type like whenever I'm round mikes he's always in his room with the door locked. I've snuck in there a couple of times whilst he been out just to snoop around and steal a couple cigarettes for ray and mikes, they always make me to their dirty work they say it's because I'm short and can get mistaken for a little kid, he's got an amazing singing voice not that I have been listening to him sing in the shower when I've stayed round, not at all.

We met Ray in the normal place by the south block lockers near the music room I had been hoping for Mr Sykes to let us have a quick jam but he didn't agree, Mondays were never a good day for him or anyone but somehow I knew today would be my day, I'm not too sure how I could think this seeing had a maths test which I hadn't revised for but I didn't need maths to be a guitarist, all I need is pansy and a crowd of fans and I would then know I've completed my dream and I've made it.

"Hey Frank, how did you sneak some starbucks in?" ray asked puzzled

"Oh um ,Gerard bought me it and we came from the back" I said pouring the last of it into my mouth

"Unbelievable, somehow she can see me coming" ray said in a fed up tone

"Well, It's not hard to miss you with your massive fro and all" Mikey said laughing

"Ha Ha rub it in why don't you, no I think she just hates me because I refuse to save it off" he jokingly. I walked over to the bin throwing away the rubbish and then rejoined the conversation.

"Ray, you must never shave your fro, how will battery city survive without their

princess fro fro" I said giggling next thing I knew I was getting noggied

"Never call me that again" he said angrily pressing hard on my head.

"Hey man I was joking, get off it hurts" I said struggling to get out from the head lock he had me in. Then I heard his voice he had been silent since we got out the car but then he spoke it was like angels.

"Dude let him go! We have class in north block in 5 we need to go and Frankie promise

not to call ray princess fro fro again" he said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Fine" I said as ray released from his death grip, they both walked off down the corridor

Mikey and I had maths together so we walked off in the opposite direction and walked into our maths class getting there before anyone else so to kill time we plugged our music in and sat in silence.

School seemed to go pretty fast considering I had some of the worst lessons for a Monday: Maths, RE, English, Media, science and Spanish. I quickly hurried down the busy hallway and out the main entrance and round the side to the where the parking lot is. I saw Gerard waiting in the front seat, looked like Mikey had been too late to join him, I get the passenger seat today I thought to myself smiling. I must of scared Gerard when I got in because he had seemed to of jumped a little. He looked round at me smiling. I smiled back not noticing the blood quickly rushing to my pale checks making me blush.

"Um,when we umm get back to yours, could I um speak to you for a bit, in private" I said slowly making sure I thought through every word that left my mouth, Gerard looked around seeing Mikey heading to the car from across the lot, "Actually I need to tell you something to, but it can't wait for later, um" he stopped quickly noticing Mikey practically jumping into the back seat with a huge grin on his face and then shouting "I HAVE NEWS!!!!" In an over excited voice. Gerard and I both looked round with a WTF expression on our face. Mikey had just been in art class, when this new girl called Kristin walked in explaining its her first day she then got seated next to Mikey and then they realized they had a lot in common that's when Mikey had asked her out to dinner that same night, of course she had said yes because of the way he was acting like a complete teenage girl explaining the whole story, looks like Gerard and I can be alone tonight, I thought as we pulled into the ways drive way.

The ways house isn't big but for a 4 bedroom house it looked huge considering I ived in a 2 bedroom which was tiny and falling apart because my mum and dad spent most of their days at work and idn't have time to fix the house but I didn't mind it's not like I spent a lot of time there anyway, the house is lways empty.

Hi everyone!
This is a fic I've worked on since the start of last summer and please comment your feedback also thanks for reading :)

I Must Be Dreaming ( Frerard )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora