Falling In Love Will Kill You ( Franks POV)

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I was awakened the next morning by a loud banging on the hotel room door.

"We're leaving in an hour, everyone up" come behind the door from a teacher. I glanced at the clock beside me, 7:30am. Normally I would be awake at this time but my body begged for more sleep. I did debate going back to sleep but decide against it, wanting a quick shower before we left. Gerard was beside me, arm resting over my waist but still fast asleep. I was surprised he hadn't woken up by the loud banging and voice of one of the teachers but then I remembered it was Gerard and he slept through anything, explaining why sometimes he was late to school or to pick me up. Luckily for him, Mikey was a early bird so Gee was normally awaken by either him or me. I decided to shower before I would try and wake Gerard, knowing that he would either not want a shower after me or ending up joining me.

I didn't bother to lock the door. I waited for a little while until the water heated up. Once it was warm enough I hoped in, still being butt naked due to last nights activities. I smiled to myself picturing the memories from last night. I had only been washing myself for about 5 minuets when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waste. I melted into the touch knowing straight away it was Gerard. He started to place open mother kids on the back of my next moving closer to my ear.

"Morning Frankie" he whispered in my ear. I moaned at the feeling of his breath on my ear, he knew my ears were one of the most sensitive parts of my body.

"Morning Yourself" I replied moaning as he had gone back to kissing extremely close to my ear.

"What time we leaving?" He asked.

"In an hour, so around 8:30"I replied smiling. "I can't wait to get home"

"Me too but last night was very good"he said smiling licking my cheek in the process.

I spun around now facing him. I pleased a kiss to his lips. We shared a few kisses, our hands exploring the others body. It was getting very intimate.

Gerard and I made out for a little while more until eventually washing ourself. Gerard had protested against having any "sexaul" business in the shower as it defeated the object of getting clean... He had never complained before however.

Once I was dressed I decided to look outside because I hadn't really seen New York before... There were buildings apon buildings, huge skyscrapers. The snow was falling even more heavily from the sky which was odd because as it was worst I didn't think we would be able to drive home today but then agin it was the schools money and they were cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if they were to send a letter home to our parents demanding money to cover our "over night" stay in the hotel.

Once Gerard and I were dressed we decided to tidy the room meaning make the messy bed. As we only stayed for one night we didn't make it very messy however I did manage to find a condom wrapper on the floor. We then headed down to the lobby to meet everyone and hopefully set off for the long journey home. At around 8:20 everyone was in the lobby, awake and ready to set off. It took about 10 minuets to get everyone settled on the bus, teachers taking registers and head counting. Gerard and I were sat at the back holding hands and giggling like teenage school girls.

"I love you" he smiled kissing me quickly.

"I love you too" I replied, kissing him quickly back.

We had been on the road for about 2 hours. Everyone getting fed up of the teachers trying to "entertain" us by singing the wheels on the bus. I had spent the first hour of the trip listening to my music but sadly my phone died. Gerard was reading and humming along to a song in his head. I loved when he hummed. It was so soothing and calming, he would normally humm to lullaby me to sleep and it would work every time. Sometimes if I had a nightmare and he wasn't besides me I would just call him and he'd say all the right things to help me calm down and then he would humm and shortly after I would be back asleep. That's the thing I loved most about Gerard, he didn't care what time of day it was, it could be 4am in the morning or in the afternoon but he would always be there to help. He really cared about me and I really cared about him and I'm very lucky to have him. Most days I don't deserve him. I really didn't know what I'd do without him, I know that sounds cheesy but I'm a hopeless romantic and love all of that gooey shit. Gerard gives me a reason in life to live. He's taught me so much. He taught me how to love myself but love others. I don't think I will ever love someone like I love Gerard. In all honestly I don't ever want to to love anyone as much as I love Gerard. My love for him will never end. I find a new reason everyday to love him, the other day it was our 5 mouth anniversary so we both dressed up super dapper and he took me to dinner. It was anything a too overly posh restaurant but it suited us well. It even had a whole vegetarian menu so I was practically in heaven. After Gerard and I went on a cruse and stopped on a small heel, typically where teens would come to make out in there cars which we did but we also talked. We started to talk about us then out future then pets and then it just expanded to all sorts of topics. It was the perfect way to spend our anniversary and I'm so lucky to of spent it with him.

It was around 12 when we stopped at a service station to grab lunch and fill up on gas. The snow was getting heavier but our driver was an "expert" in driving in the snow so we were safe. Gerard and I decided to grab a coffee, Starbucks because even though it's expensive it's good shit and we felt like treating ourself. We got back on the road half an hour later, more and more cars on the road even in the snowy weather. Perhaps they were driving home from New York. It was a shame we couldn't stay and go sight seeing because I really would of loved to go up the Empire State Building with Gerard but maybe next year we could drive down here for our year anniversary. That would be nice I smiled to myself thinking.

"What you smiling about?" Gerard asked from beside me seeing me smile.

"Oh...just thinking. Ya know,maybe next year we could drive to New York to go sight seeing. It would be a nice idea on how to spend our one year anniversary" I explained motioning with my hands.

"Frankie" he smiled. "That would be perfect, I love you"

"You really like that idea! Oh Gee I love you" and then kissed him so hard I though he was going to break like a china doll.  We were interrupted in our kiss by the teacher.

"Right everyone, we are about 2 hours away from New Jersey. Not long now kids, just hang in there" the teacher smiled but that smile didn't last long.

Suddenly the bus was skidding and sliding everywhere. At first I didn't know what was happening. I clung onto Gerard's hand for dear life. Everyone had panic plastered on their face. Everyone was holding on for their lives. The bus came to a halt. We were right in the middle of the two lanes but we had stopped and everyone seemed to be okay. We all thought the worst of the damage was done however we were wrong. As the roads were icy it was hard to stop, therefore the cars on coming on that road were finding it very hard to stop so when a huge lorry was trying so hard to stop by couldn't and was coming straight for us I knew we're doomed. I was still clinging onto Gerard's hand and he was holding on just as tight. The lorry collided with the bus with such force it pushed the bus and we were flying down the road.

The next thing I knew the bus was tipped on its side, luckily everyone was wearing seatbelts. I looked down at Gerard, his eyes were closed and he must of hit his head because it was bleeding a little. He still had a semi grip on my hand but it wasn't as strong as it just was.

"Gerard" I screamed, shaking him. "Gerard! Gerard Gerard" I cried shaking him so hard to wake him up.

"Gerard wake the fuck up! Don't leave me! Gerard" I must of repeated his name at least twenty times but he still wasn't responding.

"Gerard! Gerard... I love you" I cried.


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