Disappearing Act ( Gerard's POV)

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Monday morning, 7am. Iron maiden was playing as my alarm tone. I'd only had about 2 hours sleep and I already miss waking up next to frank. My bed seemed so cold and lonely without him.

I turned off my alarm and stood up grabbing a shirt and a pair of jeans from the floor. I didn't bother with having a shower today I just needed more energy to be bothered to do anything.

I made my way into the kitchen to make coffee for myself and Mikey. I heard him in the shower after walking past the bathroom door to come down stairs. The way our house is planned out is so fucking stupid, who puts a bathroom right next to the stairs. I sat in the living room and started to drink my coffee, minuets later Mikey enters the room. He practically jumped on me giving me the tightest squeeze ever but still being careful not to spill my coffee.

"I missed you to miokey" I said laughing as he pulled away and sat facing me sipping his coffee.

"I want to hear everything, well not the dirty but you know what I mean. What did you guys do? But not the dirty" he said pushing his glasses back on his nose and taking more sips of coffee.

After telling Mikey how amazing my weekend was I drove us to school. Frank had texted me earlier to say he won't be at school until later on
in the day meaning I didn't have to drive him to school. It was at lunch when I had noticed frank still hadn't made an appearance, I didn't worry much perhaps he's just extra sleepy and didn't feel like school today but I couldn't help but wonder where he is after all he is my boyfriend and I just want to know he's safe. I decided that I shall drive to his after school; I just want to know that he's okay.

The school day finished at the normal time and I met Mikey by my car. Kristen had dance so she wouldn't be joining us today. After dropping Mikey home I drove straight to Frank's even though Mikey had said not to and for me to stop worrying, I'm not worried, I just want to know franks okay.

His house looked deserted like normal but more so. The windows were all locked, I hesitated to go and knock the door, I thought about listening to
Mikey and driving away but next thing I knew I was walking up to franks door.

My spine shivered as I knocked on the door, something didn't feel right. There
was no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I pulled out my phone and
started to ring frank. I rang 7 times each time going to answer phone. I huffed and started to walk back to the car. I looked back at the house, perhaps he's sleeping or went out for a walk and he'll call me back later. I got back in the
car and started to drive home still blasting Jimmy's CD. Stupid thoughts kept biting at my mind. Frank wouldn't disappear without telling me. Frank wouldn't leave without a word. Frank wouldn't leave me. Frank wouldn't do that to me,would he?


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