Rebel Rebel(Gerard POV)

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*Smutt warning*

I never liked history during my early schools years. They were all dead so why should we learn about the past? The past isn't exactly important to us, we can't go back and change therefore I thought everyone should stop looking back into the past and focus on the future. I had this attitude for about 2 years, getting F's on every single history test mainly because I didn't see the point in it however it took me one teacher and a 10 minuet detention to realise that the past was important. My teacher was called Mr Ward. He gave me a 10 minuet detonation for not doing my homework, I was in 9th grade at this time and I had other things to worry about other than silly history homework but this Detention changed my views on the past and history itself. Mr Ward rambled on a lot and it was surprising the detention only went on for 10 minuets. You'd ask him a simple yes or no question and he'd give you a long lecture about it. After we had gotten over the initial  "Why didn't you do your homework" type questions he asked me a question that you could say changed my life. He asked me "My thoughts on history as a subject to learn" obviously I told him that history involves the past and the past is gone, it's over so why should we focus on it, he agreed with most points I made about history; which surprised me.  Although In the last few minuets of my detention he brought some points up that I couldn't ever forget. The past is over and we can't change it but we can stop it happening in the future. If we learn about the wrongs from past events then hopefully we won't make that mistake in the future. After thinking and talking some things over I came out of that detention having a brighter and better understanding on history. When I went home  that day I day researched, watched documentaries on anything I could find all around the subject of history. I must of watched 20 videos just on American history itself, I felt so much more educated on my ancestors history and having a better understanding of the world in general. The next day I had history first lesson, I don't think I had been so excited to go to a history class ever in my life but as the bell went signally students to get to class I practically sprinted to my history class. Unfortunately when I went in Mr Ward wasn't there. The head of department and a police officer were standing at the front of the class. I was scared and shocked because I just wanted Mr Ward to be there so I could thank him for educating me and showing me how important history was. Sadly,that night Mr Ward was in a tragic car accident and died instantly. No one in my class seemed upset but me. I had only really formed a relationship with him the previous day before but it hurt knowing I would never see him again. I just wanted to thank him for opening my mind up and making me have a different perspective on history but he was gone to soon and I'd never be able to thank him personally. I regret not thanking him before leaving my detention but regret is a useless emotion so I didn't bother and just shrugged it off, although I unlike anyone in my class I mourned his loss and went to his funeral and even though I didn't get to say thank you to him whilst he was alive, saying it to his dead corpse was close.

When I managed to pursued Frank to come to the history museum with me,it didn't take long at all after he was so set on never going on a school trip ever again,I told him how much he would love it. Since Mr Wards death I really cracked down on history and it became my second favourite subject, art being my first. Frank was just like me as a 9th grader, he had the same attitude towards history as me; they're all dead, It's the past and we should just concentrate on the future. He would proudly voice his opinions on the subject history every time I would mention the trip so one weekend I forced him to spend the day watching documentaries, anything history related such as the Cold War, black American etc. This still didn't try change his opinion on history, he still thought it was stupid and pointless to learn about so I told him about my experience. I told him how I used to hate history, which he found hard to believe as he said I'd practically jerk off to a good history textbook. His immature comments aside I continued on with my story. I told him about Mr Ward and what he told and taught me. I told him about his death, that I never got to thank him personally for opening my mind and becoming the reason I love history. By the end of my story frank was speechless. He still didn't share that deep passion for the subject but I think I opened his mind to try and enjoy the subject as much as he can and enjoy things before they disappear and become the past.

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