Still Gone (Gerards POV)

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2 weeks had passed and Frank still hadn't appeared. I'm starting to really worry. He hasn't answered my calls or texts. I go to his house everyday, before and after school but I'm still knocking on a hollow door with no answer.

Mikey was starting to worry about me. Since Frank and I got together I seemed to be more sociable, before I would lock myself in my room but being with Frank I left the house other than going to school. I spent every moment I could with Frank but now he's gone. Vanished.

I'd even thought about calling the police. "My Boyfriend has left me" but I doubt they would care. His parens have gone to so I doubt he's in danger but I still worry. He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to worry.

Frank had become my boat. He had become my life jacket. Pulling me up and making sure I didn't drown. We helped each other. I hadn't fully opened up to him but he knew about my depression. Apart from my family he was the only one other than blood that I'd told. Since he's left it's gotta worst. See Frank is also like my anti depressant, when I'm with him I'm happy but without him I'm sad and lonely.  I know I shouldn't of let myself get attached because if we were to break up then I'd be a wreak, more than I am now but Frank is just the guy that is pretty hard not to like. I don't understand what he sees in me because come on let's face it what have I got to offer him, Maybe that's why he's gone. He figured out that I'm no good for him and I'll just fuck up his whole life and he thought "Oh shit I better get out before he clings to me and I'll never be able to leave" Yeah that's probably it. Everything Good in my life has left. Grandma Elena for example. She had taught me everything I've ever known. She taught me how to draw, tie my laces and other crap but she got taken from me. She died young but then again what exactly is the age of "old" . It doesn't matter, she's gone and so is Frank and I'm pretty fucking lonely. My only company right now being my smokes and vodka but that's not what you could call 'Good Company' is it now? Oh course not. I know things remember...


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