I think i love you too Gee (Franks POV)

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I had woken up with an empty space besides me. A space where a person did fall asleep in last night but was now empty. I knew Gee was angry with me. I left for two fucking months, who wouldn't be angry if there boyfriend or girlfriend did that. I know it's my fault this relationship probably won't last. Who am I kidding, why would Gerard want to be with me after I abandon him? He probably hates me. I don't hate him. I don't have a reason to hate him but thinking about it I don't think I could ever hate him. I love him.

Did Frank Iero just admit to himself that he's fallen for Gerard Way? Falling in love with Gerard Way, sounds like a great book title. "Falling in Love With Gerard Way" By Frank Iero. Sounds pretty good, it would be a best seller and I would sit in one of those book stores and do signings. It would get boring and old quick but it's a living. Who am I kidding my English skills are shit and I won't ever become a writer. I'm pretty good at photography, maybe I could just take photos of Gerard Way? He could paint and sketch me and I'll take pretty aesthetically pleasing pictures of him! I'll then edit Pepe the frog meme onto his face and become world famous. The headlines would read "Frank Iero edits Boyfriend face into a meme". The bigger question is... Why am I thinking about this at 12:15pm on a Saturday? Instead I should go get brunch and coffee then go round to Gerard's and apologise. I don't expect him to still be here.

I decided to throw some sweat pants on and wonder downstairs when I heard talking. My dad was at work? My mum was home and she's either talking to herself or? GERARD! He stayed?

I slowly creeped into the door way of the kitchen trying to earwig their conversation.

"It's early days but I think I love him"

It's either I'm dreaming or loosing my mind because I swear I just heard Gerard say he kind of thinks he loves me. I'm probably Loosing my mind because Gerard can't love me, could he? Sometimes falling in love goes slow and then all at once. Perhaps the going slow part was from when we fucked in the hotel room till now because I think the "all at once part" is now. I love Gerard Way.

At that moment Gerard looked around. He saw me sheepishly standing in the door way. I couldn't stop smiling. I didn't even mean to smile. He probably thinks I'm a douche because I keep smiling like it would end a war BUT GERARD WAY LOVES ME! I couldn't just stand there smiling all day so I decided to man up. Tell Gerard my true feelings and then the next thing you know I open my big mouth and say the 3 words that can change a Persons life for good or bad. Loves the chance you have to take, right? Not everyone's love is perfect. Sometimes people loose love and sometimes they keep it? I'm willing to risk that chance with Gerard.

"I Think I love You Too Gee"

Now that's a smile I hadn't seen in a long time. I doubt Gerard had even seen himself smile in a long time. Claps to you frankie boy, you made your boyfriend smile after leaving him for two months with radio silence, sobbing on the floor the first time you see him in two months, falling asleep on him-ish and now telling him you maybe kinda love him and he smiles like a war has ended and world peace has been declared... Ha wouldn't that be a day.

I doubt today's going to be the day that all wars end and world peace is declared but if that happenss then that's great but today is the day Gerard and I declared our love and for me that's pretty fucking great!


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