Spilling Secrets

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I sat in Mikey's room for a while, gathering my thoughts. Come on frank how hard is it to tell someone you like them, suddenly the door opened slowly showing Gerard's head just popping in from the gap looking around the room and stopping dead when he saw me, he then walked in closing the door behind him and locking it. My heart started to pound and my palms started to sweat so much I thought I was going to pass out. He slowly sat on the bed and pulled my chair closer; he took a deep breath in and exhaled out slowly...

"This may come out as a shock but I have a deep secret that I'm only going to tell you, if you promise that you won't tell Mikey or my parents until I'm ready to come out...?" he said it so slow and it seemed like he was scared of what my reaction might be, it couldn't be what I thought could it? No he's straight!

"Sure, you can tell me anything also I have to come clean with something as well" I said joining him on Mikey's bed and holding his hand, it was so soft and warm.

"Please don't freak out, I'm not 100% sure of it yet but I'm pretty certain. I have never had this feeling before and it feels so right" he fell silent and looked down at our hands joint, I lifted his head and he then continued... "I'm gay" It was said so fast I wasn't sure I heard it properly but I panicked and next thing I knew are lips had collided together, my first kiss! His lips were so soft, it was short but passionate liked we both had been dying to do it for ages, I couldn't of asked for a kiss to be anymore perfect. Gerard pulled away blushing.

"I haven't told you my news yet but you have probably guessed it, that kiss was perfect and I have been dying to do that for so long, I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU GERARD WAY!" he stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet, he wrapped his arms round my neck and once again our lips were together. I pulled away gasping for air, he giggled and then I pushed him down on the bed crawling on top of him giggling like a teenage girl "Gerard Arthur Way, will you be my boyfriend,I mean if you want to because I really like you but its fine if you dont " I asked smiling then he pressed his lips against mine. He's such a tease tugging on my lip ring making me groan, all I hope is Mikey and Kristin don't walk in on us practically making out on his bed, because that would be awkward. Our tongues were dancing around in each other's mouth, it was magical. I ran my hands up his chest then eventually pulling his top off breaking up our kiss. I ran my tongue up and down his chest and then stopped to look down at the his bulged making him giggle and pull me closer, our lips then reunited this kiss lasted for a lifetime. It was strong and sexual but still had a lot of passion until we heard laughter and the front door slam shut. We both jumped off each other and ran into Gerard's room and slammed the door and locked it, we fell to the floor, panting from the running and the panic. It sounded like Mikey had got lucky as we heard giggles as fast footsteps ran up the stairs and into Mikey's room making a bang as the door was slammed. I stared into Gerard's hazel eyes and remembered he never answered my question, I think he had guessed that's what I was thinking of because he pulled me to my feet and then whispered in my ear "yes". He pulled me down to his bed and climbed on top of me pulling off my top and running his tongue up and down my chest then sucking at my belly button, I let a tiny groan escape from my mouth he smiled then moving on to sucking the side of my neck like some vampire, I'm pretty sure he wasn't vampire. Eventually I was left with a hickie on the side of my neck, thanks. I really wanted to go all the way with him, wow Frank you sound like such a manwhore but it seemed Gerard thought different as he pulled me on top of him and told me to rest my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat it was going so fast I thought it was going to pop out of his bare chest. We layed there and talked for a bit. I looked over at his bedside table and saw his clock flashing 12:00pm I sighed and looked up at him staring at me, I yawed signalling I wanted to sleep now. He kissed the top of my head and whispered "Goodnight Frankie" I laid back down, listening to his heart beat slow down and regain normal speed.

"Night Gee" I whispered and closed my eyes instantly falling asleep.

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