At The Hotel (Gerard's POV)

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As I pulled into the hotel entrance I noticed frank was still asleep. I searched for a spot to park closer to the entrancing thinking I might have to carry frank in if he doesn't wake up soon. The car park was really busy but lucky I found the perfect spot. I stopped the car taking out my keys and pushing them in to my front jean pocket. I opened the boot of the car grabbing mine and Frankie's bags. I then opened the passenger door leaning over frank realising his seat belt. He was so cute when he slept but I had to wake him. I tickled him making him jumped and push me off him. I laughed helping him get out of the car then handing him his bag.

We walked into the main entrance holding hands getting the odd weird look and snigger, stupid homophobes. The lady at the desk looked really young to be working but then again frank looked like a little kid because he's short. Her name badge read "Chantel". She had her hair up in two pig tails and a full fringe which was blonde but then rest black, it looked awesome. She was wearing an all black
shirt with a pink and blue stripped tie. She smiled at us then asked if we had
already booked which we had, she searched her computer under the name Frerard seeing it had become our couple name. She gave us our keys to the king sized bedroom like we requested, she stared at us the whole time she was doing this though.

"Are you two by any chance, together?" she asked in a baby voice.

"Yeah, I'm Gerard and this is my boyfriend Frank" I said holding my hand out for her to shake but she got up and ran round from the side of the desk to where we were standing and pulling us into a hug then apologizing looking shy.

"Umm sorry about that, I'm just more of a hugger" she said going red and looking at her feet. She was wearing fishnets then red and white stripped socks on top complete with a tartan skirt just above her knees. On her feet she was wearing electric blue fluffy monster feet complete with claws.

"It's okay, I'm a hugger two!"frank said pulling her into another hug making her smile.

All of a sudden I see her eyes light up as she spots someone just walking into the hotel. She quickly pulls off of frank and screams "JIMMY" running over to the guy standing there with his arms open ready to hug her. Chantel jumps into his arm wrapping her legs around his torso pulling him into a kiss including tongues. Frank and I stared as she attacked his mouth with her tongue; it reminded me frank and I.

Seconds later she jumped off of him grabbing his hands and running back over to us still standing by the desk. He looked a lot older than Chantal, but they were well suited.

He was wearing green fluffy monster shoes along with ripped black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a pink tie. His hair was bright pink and spiked up.

Frank and I stared for a while until he held out both his hands and grew a massive smile.

"Jimmy and you're?" he said in a high pitched voice

"I'm Gerard" I said shaking his hand.

"And I'm frank, Gerard is my boyfriend" he said also shaking his hand.

"Oh a gay couple, my favourite" Jimmy replied letting go of our hands realizing we were still shaking them. Chantel laughed then saw our puzzled expressions and smiled, then she started to explain "What jimmy means is that he isn't a homophobe. He's straight but he loves meeting gay couples."

She then explained how her and jimmy met "We met 2 years ago next month, I was at a club watching a band play and I accidently spilt my drink all over him, we stayed with each other for the rest of the night talking and then he walked me home. He made me laugh we had loads in common and we've been together ever since a week after that concert" she then explained that Jimmy is older and why she works at the hotel "I turn 16 in 4 months time but jimmy here is 19 and 20 in 2 months. My aunt and uncle own this hotel and say I'm allowed to see jimmy if I work here 4 times a week, not bad I guess." She stopped realizing she had kept frank and I from going to our room. We said our goodbyes then picked up our bags and walked over to the lift, we were on floor 12, room 69.

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