School Trips (franks POV)

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I've never understood how taking us out of school on a "school trip" is educational when we can learn the exact same thing in a classroom. "It's for the experience" as my teacher would say. Hah, experience my ass. They're just too lazy to teacher and decide to take us out of school for the day to some boring museum.

The last school trip I went on was to an art gallery. I like art, I'm not very good at it but I can draw a great frankanstiens monster but my teacher wasn't happy with me drawing that every lesson so she moved me into history. History, they're all dead anyway. I know it's nice to know about past wars and leaders but who really cares? They've had their time in the spot light and I've always said people should look more into the future than the past. What's done is done and no one can change it... Unless they had a time machine and went back to the past and changed it but I doubt that will ever happen. This art museum we went to was boring. Out Tour guide was old and deaf. He spoke with a expressionless voice making everyone in the room almost fall asleep, however the art we saw was cool. Different styles and colours so I guess it wasn't a complete waste of a trip but from that day on I told myself to avoid all school trips, until today.

Our school had planned a trip to a history museum in New York for the 9th graders - my grade- and the 12th graders - Gerard's grade-. After the last trip I made my mind up and was 100% sure on saying no to the offer of going however someone changed my mind.

"Oh c'mon Frankie, it will be fun" Gerard laughed, big puppy dog eyes.

"No no no. Not after the last trip. Never again. No" I said seriously. Ignoring his puppy dog face and looking straight ahead as I knew if I looked at him and my eyes met with his big ones I'd give up and end up going. I've started to find it harder and harder to say no, especially when Gerard's involved.

"But you can spend all day with me" he smiled. "We can sneak off from the group" he added whispering into my ear as he didn't want Mikey or Ray to hear what he was suggesting. He had raised an eyebrow, smirk plastered on his face. Of course I had decided to look at him. Look into his big puppy dog eyes even though he had a giant smirk on his face, I couldn't say no. The words weren't forming in my mouth.

I huffed in annoyance. "Fine fine, I'll go" I said finally giving up. He planted a kiss on my cheek, pulling away still grinning and then hugged me so tight I thought all my bones would crumble

"Love you Frankie" he smiled.

"You better keep your word" I whispered in his ear, getting a cheeky grin sent my way and waggling eyebrows.

It was now November 7th. The day of this history trip. My birthday had been a couple of days before, on Halloween. I had spent it with Gerard, Mikey, Kristin and Ray. We spent the day all dressed in onesies watching movies and then when it got dark decided to go trickle treating. I was now officially 16. Officially 16 and wanting to kill my boyfriend for making me say yes to going on this trip.

"Lucy, Owen, Gwen, Alex, Frank" the teacher called. "Frank?" "Frank Iero"

"Here" I piped up. Moments before my lips had been glued to Gerard's in a deep loving kiss. We decided to sit at the very back of the bus meaning we were away from the dicks in our class, although some of them were alright. Gwen was cool. He liked similar things to Gerard and I such as music,art and hated most the people in our class. Alex, he was in Gerard's history and art class and apparently he was an awesome guitar player. Unfortunately he wasn't in my music class other wise me and him could of jammed together sometime but he seemed cool. He also likes similar music to Gerard and I.

The teacher called the rest of the register making sure all students were on the bus and ready to go. We had a long drive to New York let alone the museum itself so that's why we were leaving at 4:20am in the morning to hopefully be there by early morning. Bullshit really, we could of just drove up there yesterday night, when it wasn't snowing, stayed in a hotel and go to the museum at a sensible time in the morning but nope our school complained about not having enough money. Always money as an excuse. I didn't mind to much, if it meant I could spend more time with Gerard then I was happy.

Seeing as it was New Jersey and November the winter coming around quick meant it was colder and more snow and ice. It was snowing heavily today and I would of thought they would of cancelled the trip due to the extreme weather warnings I heard on the radio but nope, apparently our bus driver is an expert in driving in snowy/icy conditions. So I guess we'd just have to trust them.


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