4am down spiral of thoughts leading to no sleep and a high caffine damand

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I left Frank's around 2:30pm that day. After our little "I love you"confessions we had decided to watch movies and cuddle. I knew we should really of spoken more about our feelings towards each other but it could wait. During the first movie frank had fallen asleep still being knackered from his trip home I suppose...

The drive home was pretty short. I hadn't smoked in a while and because of all the recent stress I had been  under I thought I could treat myself to a cancer stick. Cancer stick? I'm sure cancer can kill you, yes it can! Smoking kills but we still decide to do it, why? Because the human race is stupid. We take life for granted. I see it as "I'm going to die anyway" most likely earlier of some form of cancer due to smoking but I'm sure I'll enjoy my time in hell.

As I was saying before my thoughts went on a downwards spiral I had driven home from Franks house at around 2:30pm whilst he had fallen asleep watching a movie and at the current time being snuggled in to my side. Now was a different story though, it was 4am on a Saturday night. I had my ear phones in listening to The Dead kennedys. I hadn't message Frank at all since I'd gotten home and I'm sure he would of loved to of heard from me but now he would probably be asleep. I hope he would of been asleep. He was probably wondering if I'm asleep... Well I'm not Frankie!

Why aren't I asleep? Good question. I could sleep, Jesus I was tiered enough. Senior year work isn't a walk in the park either and kinda makes me wish I had payed more attention when learning in the earlier years of high school. I'm not a overly smart kid but I get good grades so I'm not a complete failure but my strongest subject is art. Art is the weapon. I believe Art could start and end a war. Don't you think? Franks always said I'm crazy with my theory of art being a cause of armed conflicted between societies but the world is fucked up so I believe anything can happen. Pigs will be flying next and I'll be a grave man. A pig will fly down and kill me. I don't know how but I'll be killed by a flying pig in the future unless I kill myself before hand. I doubt that will happen though. I can't leave Frank alone in this world. He's vegiatarin so I'm sure he won't be eaten by a flying pig but a lion could escape from the Zoo. Personally I would prefer if pigs didn't kill me and Frank wasn't eaten by a lion. I would love for all wars to end. I wish society wasn't as fucked up as it is but Frank Iero thinks he loves me and that's what caused these chains of thoughts leading to me not sleeping that Saturday. Later finding myself at a certain boyfriends house at 7am on a Sunday morning here to talk about my feelings for frank knowing that I did love Frank Iero but I also loved coffee. Needing both desperately to stay alive or just to awake for the next couple of hours.

A/N "Get your head out of your ass" is my favourite phrase tbh and I haven't stopped saying it all day and I don't plan to stop anytime soon! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Sorry it's a little :(( but I'm very :((( recently like I've worn the same shirt for the past 3 days and it's mcr black parade one with the marcher skeleton and if that doesn't scream emo I don't know what does! Hope you've had a good day and enjoying reading my fic! Like and comment!! Thanks

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