The Dinner

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Neither Gerard nor I were any good at cooking but how hard would it be to chop up some vegetables and cook them. My family were vegetarians so we only ate veg, no meat but the Ways weren't so we had to cook 2 different types of meals. Mikey had also invited Kristin along to join, they were just the cutest couple.

My parents soon arrived, Mikey and I had been best friends for ages so our parents were close but they hadn't seen each other in so long however they hit it off straight away talking about parent stuff like work, money, gardening and etc boring stuff but that's when I started thinking if I would ever have kids I was so deep in my though I didn't hear Gerard screaming at me.

"There burning!"

He quickly ran over a turned the gas off we both looked over at the pot, I had burned the dinner. Well done Frankie. I slumped down in a chair and put my head on the table. Gerard pulled my head up hugging me then wiping away my tears streaming down my face.
"Its okay, we can order pizza instead, I'm sure they will like it better then burnt veg" he said smiling. I giggled and hugged him. He got up and grabbed his phone and started the pizza order after he came back and sat on the chair beside me leaning his head on my shoulder.

"So how much will it be" I asked pulling out my wallet. Gerard looked at my wallet then pulled out his, "They said $12:00,so lets half it $6 each" he said pulling money out and placing it on the table, I did the same then put my wallet back in my pocket I then turned to Gerard and asked "When are we going to tell them" at first he looked confused at like what the hell was I talking about but then he replied "After dinner, help me clean up and we can tell them in the living room. Deal?" I looked in his beautiful eyes and nodded "deal" with a massive smile on my face. We were about to kiss when we heard the door bell ring, we both walked to answer it, Gee grabbed the pizzas and I handed the guy the money then closing the door walking back to the kitchen to help Gee sort out what's what and who's who.

As our parents sat down they laughed thinking they would have a home cooked meal but instead they were getting a treat, everyone tucked in saying how grateful and pleased they were with their sons, we spoke about the general topics: school, future, music and relationships. Our parents were saying how cute Mikey and Kristin are then my mum had to embarrass me by saying I used to have a crush on this girl from my old school called Jamia, yeah she was pretty but my mind snapped me out of thinking about her, YOU'RE GAY my mind was screaming.

Once everyone had finished Gerard and I offered to clean up just like we had planned. Our parents, Mikey and Kristen went back into the living room talking about the general stuff again.

I pulled Gerard outside, the icy wind hit my skin making goose bumps appear. He rubbed my arms trying to warm me up, I looked up at him as I was cuddling into his chest. I reached into his back pocket pulling out two cigarettes from his packet, the one he would always keep in his back jean pocket along with a small lighter. He looked at me and smirked placing it between his lips and letting me light it I did the same but before I lit he grabbed the lighter and done it for me. I took a couple of drags before speaking
"You ready to do this" I asked, he stared down at me then took another drag. He smiled and was silent until he
replied "It's now or never, I don't care if they don't approve of this relationship. I really like you frank Iero and your all that matters to me right now"

I smiled and crashed my lips on to his pulling away giggling as he had tomato sauce in the corner of his mouth I wiped it off then put out my cigarette and waited for him to do the same we then hugged it out and walked back indoors holding hands as we walked in the living room.

"We have some news" Gerard said holding my hand tightly. I looked around the room and then I spoke "We just want to be happy, Mum, dad" I paused looking at them with a worried expression on their face.

"I'm Gay" I said loudly, tears fell into my eyes as I looked at my parents and I saw my mum have tears in her eyes...

"I'm gay too, Frank and I are a couple" I heard Gerard say.

All was silent until Mikey ran up to the both of us with the biggest hug, squeezing us to death and
jumping up and down like a teenage girl "I'm so happy for the both of you" he squealed running back over to Kristen who looked shocked but smiled after, But our parents both sat in silence with worried looks on their faces, then Gerard's dad Donald asked Mikey to take Kristin home as it would be dark soon,they both lefted the room with their concerned faces on.

"How long have you both known that you've liked eachother?" asked Donald in a scary tone of voice, Gerard and I looked at each other.

"Since we both met" we said in perfect sync, the room feel silent for a few seconds... then they all jumped for joy, laughing and singing like it was a joke.

Gerard and I looked at each other puzzled. We tried to get their attention to see if they were alright with the idea of having gay sons but they were too busy laughing and dancing they wouldn't listen so,!Gerard and I started to make out, tongues and everything. We heard them stop laughing and look round at us we stopped looking at them panting a little because that kiss was hot, they weren't grossed out at all they stared at us then squealed a girly "AWWWWWW". Then all of a sudden started running up to us both, squeezing us together.

Gerard and I couldn't have been happier from how they took the news. We really had no reasons to be scared in the first place.


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