Bert:the cousin. (Franks POV)

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The only information I knew of bert was that he's Gerard's cousins. He's one year older than Gerard. He used to go to a private school in Utah but now is studying at a college in New York. He once wore and may still wear ripped jeans, band shirt and scuffed converse but for all I knew he could now wear 3 piece suits.

Gerard was freaking out. He had asked me to come round and help tidy the house with him. Personally I thought the ways house was always well kept but apparently not well kept enough for Gerards liking as he had me on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathroom floor and plunging the toilet for an hour straight just to make sure it's "Spick and spam" clean, as he had said earlier. Never would I thought I would be spending my Saturday mornings cleaning my boyfriends toilet but there I was scrubbing the toilet seat for the 5th time.

"Gee I think it's clean enough now" I said leaning against the bathroom wall sat next to the toilet exhausted.

"Can you see your reflection in the toilet seat?" He asked, dead serious.

"Well no but" I didn't have time to finish before he interrupted me.

"Well keep scrubbing my frankie dear" and walked off smirking. Fucker.

I scrubbed the toilet for another half an hour but finally giving up and walking down stairs to make myself coffee. Hard work makes a you work up a thirst.

As I walked past the living room I saw Gerard wearing a white shirt and trying to choose a choice of tie, why the fuck is he wearing a suit?

"Gee" I asked making him jump. "Why are you wearing a shirt and choosing a tie?" To say he didn't look good in that suit was a lie but why was he wearing it?

"Umm. Well what if bert is wearing a suit? He'll look at me like I'm trash and and and" I cut him off by pushing a finger to his lips.

"No matter what you wear, where you live and if he can see his reflection in the toilet seat bert will love you. No he loves you. You're family and families love each other no matter what! I'm also pretty sure this bert guy doesn't wear suits."

"Well my frankie dear then I'm prepared if he does" he said kissing my nose and walking out of the room. My boyfriend is so strange.

*knock* *knock*

Bert was on time. Gerard was nervous. I've never seen him so nervous. Actually he hardly gets nervous, unlike me I'm nervous about anything and everything. Gerard beats me here though, he's shaking. He's wearing a suit inside working up a sweat. If he doesn't calm down soon he'll probably pass out or something.

"Frankie can you answer the door. I can't I can't do it. Bert's probably going to think I'm trash. Oh lord I'm trash. What if he thinks I'm trash?"

I planted a small kiss on his lips. Taking a hold of his hands. I was aware bert was outside waiting to be let in but he'd have to wait, Gerard was all I cared about at this moment and therefore bert was going to have to wait.

"Gee it will be okay. Just keep breathing. In and out. Copy me, big breathe in and out." He calmed down pretty quickly. I went to answer the door.

Bert was the near the same height as Gee. A lot taller than me. He had his short. Shaved each side but leaving hair on the top of his head pushed over the the right like a side fringe type thing. He wasn't wearing a 3 piece suit, I smiled at this. Instead he was wearing shorts, that looked like they were once jeans but had been cut into shorts and a random t shirt completed with a hoodie, plain black. How the guy wasn't cold was another question.

"You must be frank?" He asked smiling. I smiled back being polite.

"That's me, come in. Gerard's in the living room." He came in and I shut the door behind him. He walked into the front room where Gerard and I had just been.

The first thing he said to Gerard was "why are you wearing a suit?" Making both me and Gerard fall into a fit of giggles. Leaving bert looking very confused.

Bert only stayed for a couple of hours. Something about getting back to college. He was an alright guy. He spoke about private school. He spoke about New York and how college life was treating him. He sounded really happy that him and Gerard could catch up. Gerard told him about everyone was doing. Bert asked about how we met and all that mushy couple stuff. Which we both happily answered. Bert told us about a girl he'd met and likes. It was a general catch up and it was nice. Normally I try and avoid social interaction but talking with bert, it felt like we had been friends for years. He's just a down to earth kinda guy.

"You sleepy frankie?" Gerard asked. It was around 11:30pm. We were cuddled up together on Gerard's bed. I "mm" in response. "Night Frankie" I slowly drifted off to sleep. Today had been a good day.


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