What if this is all a dream? (Franks Pov)

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After our shower Gerard and I decided to not bother getting dressed again and just snuggle up in bed having a few make out sessions. We spent most of the day after that watching cartoons or just talking about random shit.

Today is Monday. School was the same as usual. I learnt next to nothing and got confused because I've come back halfway through topics so I have a lot of catching up to do but I'll focus on that later. Gerard and I are holding hands whilst walking to his house. He would of been driving us home but when he came to mine Saturday,high as a kite he luckily didn't drive meaning as he stayed at mine yesterday and we walked to school this morning,his car was still at his house. I didn't mind walking though, I needed the fresh air I guess.

Once we got to Gerard's his mum was on the phone. She looked super happy to be speaking to whoever... Not.

"Ahh Gerard You're home finally" she smiled whilst holding out the phone towards him. "It's Bert". He smiled taking the phone and speaking happily into it.

"Hey Dude! Long time no speak! What's happening" he asked still smiling widely.

He had never mentioned a guy called bert. Neither had Mikey ever mentioned a guy named bert. They stayed talking for around 30 minuets just catching up and saying how badly they needed to see each other as it had been too long. I'm not jealous of this bert guy making Gerard smile so widely or anything like it's probably his cousin or something. Well I hope so but what if it's his ex boyfriend or something?

"Frank what's wrong?" Gerard asked puzzled. He could probably see the panic in my face. I didn't bother replying instead I walked off up to his room not wanting to have this conversation for his mum to hear.

I sat on his bed waiting for him to come up which after a few moments he did sitting besides me looking at me with sad eyes.

"Frankie, are you jealous of bert?" he asked smirking. I laughed not because it's funny but I guess because it's true. I was jealous that bert could make Gerard smile as widely as he was.
"Who's bert? How do you know him?" I asked getting straight to the point.
"My cousin" he laughed. Now I feel like a twat. Of course it's his fucking cousin!
"What did he want?" I didn't really care anymore. Bert isn't his ex boyfriend so I don't have anything to worry about so I don't really care about this bert kid.
"Just to see how I am. He's just left school and telling me how amazing college is and stuff. You would like him. He likes bands and is totally dope" he says giggling like a little girl.
"Dope??" I say raising an eyebrow. He pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him back loving the warmth I got from him.
"I love you Frankie"
" I love you too Gee"

It was something stupid like 2am in the morning, Gerard and I had decided to go stargazing. At first we lie in silence for about half an hour just looking at the stars. It was super peaceful. Gerard looked at his happiest. He was holding my hand tight like if he let go I would float away into the stars, it was like his grip on my hand was the only thing stopping me from floating away but of course I can't really float but you know what I'm saying. Well I guess I could float away from him. Not literally but one day I could become distant from Gerard or he could become distant from me and we could float away from each other and just end but by the grip he had on my hand he wasn't going to let that happen anytime soon and for that I was hopeful for, a Frank without a Gerard is a Frank you don't want to be around.

"Gerard" I asked scared that he would think I'm stupid for what I'm about to say. He just mmmed in response still looking towards the stars.

"Do you ever think we aren't really alive? Like we are just living in a dream?" I didn't make eye contact with him scared that he would think I'm stupid for thinking such a thing. He didn't speak for a few minuets. He simply just smiled and look up to the sky. He then faced me sitting up on his elbow almost hovering over me. He's still smiling. I hope I caused that smile.

"Frankie you always come up with the strangest and weirdest shit but that's a reason why I love you" he smiled down at me then placing a light kiss to the top of my nose.
I giggled. I really do love him. He has really made me the happiest person ever.

We stayed on the hill looking at the stars for a little longer before deciding we should go back home and sleep seeing as we both have school tomorrow. The drive back was quite. He had the radio on but not playing very loud. I started to think of what I had said on the hill. I wonder if life is just a dream? I mean I feel like it is sometimes. I've become so lucky recently. Gerard loves me. He's my boyfriend and that's all I've dreamt about. I dreamt about him most nights, us being happily together. Saying a big fuck you to homophobies by kissing in public and holding hands. Being with Gerard is all a dream come true for me. No one is ever going to take him away from me. We will be together forever.
But I still can't help thinking life is just a dream...


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